Compassionate Engagement of a Dependent of Deceased Gramin Dak Sevaks Employees
No .No.17-01/2017-GDS
Government of India
Ministry f Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section).
Oak Uhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Date: 01-06-2021.
All the Chief Postmasters General,
All Postmasters General.
Subject: Compassionate engagement of a dependent of deceased Gramin Dak Sevaks.
This refers to this office letter No.17-01/2017-GDS dted 30.05.2017 vide which revised scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds was circulated. Clause 3 of this Scheme with the heading “Authority competent to make compassionate engagement” prescribes the composition of Committee of Compassionate Engagement (CCE) and the authority competent to make compassionate engagement on the subject. In addition, this clause under sub-clause (d) provides that the Committee will meet bi-monthly i.e. in March, May and July and so on for considering the cases arising during the previous two months.
2. Since the onset of Covid-19 pandemic last year, a number of GDS have died in harness due to Covid/Covid related conditions leaving their family without an earning member leading to their financial distress. The primary objective of the Scheme for providing compassionate engagement to a dependent of a deceased GDS is to provide relief to such needy families, as per the criteria prescribed, by way of providing engagement to a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds.
3. It is observed that holding a meeting of the CCE on bi-monthly basis delays this process and therefore, keeping in view the hardship faced by the family of deceased GDS, the Competent Authority has decided that henceforth the CCE would consider case(s) of compassionate engagement, as and when they arise, by holding the meeting of CCE more frequently either physically in person or through Video Conferencing.
4. Such compassionate cases of GDS must be finalized within a period of two months from the date of death of GDS. Such cases that may have occurred earlier may also be completed within the next two months. Intimation of such engagement whether compassionate engagement has been given to the next of kin/dependent or the reason for non-engagement; such as written refusal by family or non-availability of the eligible next of kin/dependent be intimated to the Directorate.
(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General(PE-I&SCT)/