Extension of LTC-80 one time relaxation in the case of employees who availed LTC to A & N by purchasing Air Tickets from other than Authorized Agents
Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com
July 30, 2021
The Secretary,
Department of Personnel & Training,
North Block,
New Delhi
Sub:- Extension of LTC-80 one time relaxation in the case of employees who availed LTC to A & N by purchasing Air Tickets from other than Authorized Agents
Ref:- 1). DOP&T O.M.No.31011/3/ 2014-Estt (IV) dated 26/09/2014
2). DOP&T O.M.No.43020/2/ 2016-Estt (A.IV) dated 19/02/2020
Dear Sir,
DOP&T vide O.M. referred at (1) above have issued Instructions permitting Government Employees to travel by Air to NER, J&K and Andaman & NicobarIslands (A&N). Many employees due to ignorance and not properly advised by the concerned Administration have purchased Air Tickets from other than Authorized Agents and travelled and their final bills were also passed since they have genuinely travelled. However subsequently Audit Authorities raised objections and Audit directed the administration to recover the entire LTC-80 amount with penal/ interest etc. The issue was raised by the Staff Side in the Standing Committee of the National Council (JCM) meeting held on 09/03/20019 under the Chairmanship of Secretary DOPT. Considering the specific request made by the Staff Side to grant a onetime relaxation of such cases, the Chairman was kind enough to consider our request. Extract from the formula is given below for your kind perusal: –
“Staff side proposed that a) If the employee has actually travelled in Air India fight then the LTC-80 fare of the journey day may be paid to him irrespective of the fact that ticket was purchased from authorized Agent or not. Any excess amount over and above the LTC-80 fare can be recovered; b) No disciplinary action and stoppage of future LTC may be taken. c) A general instruction in this regard may be issued to all the Departments to regularize all the pending LTC-80 cases as above.
Chairman agreed to consider the demand of the staff side”.
Subsequently DOP&T vide OM refer at (2) above have issued instructions to grant one time relaxation to such Government employees who had availed LTC by air to visit J&K and NER during the period of January 2010 – June, 2014 and booked the tickets through travel agents other than “M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’. ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ due to lack of awareness of rules.
Accordingly one time relaxation was give only in the case of J&K and NER. The same benefit was not extended to employees who availed LTC-80 to Andaman & Nicobar w.e.f. 26/09/2014. A large number of employees in different Departments / Ministries have availed LTC-80 facility to A&N by purchasing Air Tickets from other than Authorized Agents. They are now subjected to similar hardship. Therefore it is requested that as a onetime measure relaxation in the case of such Government Employees who had availed LTC by Air to A&N Island w.e.f. 26/09/2014 to 19/02/2020 i. e. up to the date of issue of DOP&T OM dated 19/02/2020 and booked Air Ticket through Travel Agents other than the recognized Agents may please be given under the same conditions as applicable to the one time relaxation cases of J&K and NER in accordance with the DOP&T OM dated 19/02/2020. This request of the Staff Side may please be considered favourably and necessary Government orders may please be issued so as to save the effected employees from such financial hardship.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)