Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 05.03.2024
The record of discussion from the 7th meeting of the Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-Executive employees in BSNL, held on 05.03.2024, highlights the participation of management and staff representatives. Management proposed pay scales with 0% fitment to address employee stagnation, while staff representatives urged flexibility.
SR Cell, Corporate Office
8thFloor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Harish ChanderMathur Lane,
Janpath, New Delhi-110001
No. BSNLC0/38-1/SR/2016
Dated.14.03 2024
Sub: Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 05.03.2024.
The 7th meeting of the reconstituted Joint committee was held on 05.03.2024 in the Library Room, 6th floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi. The following were present in the meeting:
Management Side:
1. Shri R K Goyal CGM (CNTX-North) – Chairman
2. Shri Saurabh Tyagi CGM (J&K.) – Member
3. Shri P C Bhatt PGM (CBB) – Member
4. Smt. Anita Johri PGM (SR) – Member
5. Shri V K Sharma DGM (Estt.) – Special Invite
Staff Side:
1. Shri Animesh Mitra – Member BSNLEU
2. Shri P. Abhimanyu – Member BSNLEU
3. Shri John Verghese – Member BSNLEU
4. Shri Suresh Kumar – Member BSNLEU
5. Shri Menu Mehra – Member BSNLEU
6. Shri Islam Ahmed – Member NFTE (BSNL)
7. Shri Chandeshwar Singh – Member, NFTE (BSNL)
8. Shri K S Seshadri – Member NFTE (BSNL)
At the outset, PGM (SR) welcomed the Chairman and all the participants from the management and staff side and requested them to give their opening comments.
Chairman welcomed all the participants and apprised that although, BSNL is in operational profit but there is no net profit. Accordingly, management had proposed pay scales at 0% fitment, designed to address the stagnation of employees.
GS, BSNLEU stated that management side should not be rigid and should consider agreeing on the pay scales discussed with the last committee. Also, that the views of staff side have not been captured in the minutes of the last meeting. It was agreed that in future, draft minutes will be vetted by staff side, prior to issue.
GS, NFTE stated that wage negotiation should be concluded at the earliest by the management in a positive manner and that both unions were united on their demands.
2.0 MoM of Previous Meeting.
Thereafter, minutes of the last meeting held on 28.11.2022 and 2.12.2022 were perused to recall the discussion held so far. It was reiterated that the new pay scales proposed in the meeting held on 28 11.2022 by Management side had been designed on the following broad principles:
1) There is no reduction in the pay (Basic + DA) of any employee after implementation of new pay scales.
2) Stagnation in the existing pay scales has been largely addressed.
3) As pension contribution is linked to the maximum of pay scale, the new pay scales have been designed optimally to minimise increase in Pension contribution.
4) Financial burden has to be minimum so as to make the proposal viable, as any additional financial burden is to be met only from internal resources of the company.
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