KVS – Re-employment of Principals & Vice Principals
18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New Deihi-110016,
Tel.: 26858570 Fax 26514179 ;
Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in
Email, kvs.estt. 1 @.gmail.com
Dated: 26/11/2014
Pursuant to the decision of the 61st Meeting of the board of Governors of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan held on 8.11.96 as contained in the circular No.l2-24/95-KVS(Admn.) dated 15.11.96 and 19.3.97. Competent Authority has decided to allow the following Principals/Vice-Principal who are due to retire on the date shown against them for re employment upto 31.3.2015 with a view of ensuring uninterrupted studies of the children of Kendriya Vidyalayas for achieving academic excellence.
SL.No | Name of Principal | KV where working | Date of birth | Date of superannuation |
1. | Sh.G.B. Pandey | Mathura Cantt | 21.11.1954 | 30.11.2014 |
2. | Smt. Lalita Ramachandran | No.2 Calicut | 26.11.1954 | 30.11.2014 |
3. | Mr. K.B.K. Unnithan | Pangode | 25.11.1954 | 30.11.2014 |
4. | Dr. R.K. Shandilya | Jhalawar | 7.12.1954 | 31.12.2014 |
5. | Mrs. Pushpa Krishnan | Payynur | 21.12.1954 | 31.12.2014 |
6. | Sh. K.K. Sinha | OEF Kanpur | 01.01.1955 | 31.12.2014 |
7. | Mrs. Shakuntla Malik | No.l Ferozpur | 1.1.1955 | 31.12.2014 |
8. | Smt. C.P. Chaudhary | No.5 Jaipur | 05.01.1955 | 31.01.2015 |
9. | Smt. P.V. Kulkarni | No.2 AFS Pune | 11.01.1955 | 31.01.2015 |
10. | Sh. S.K. Tyagi | AFS Sarsawa | 1.03.1955 | 28.02.2015 |
SL.No. | Name of PG-JI/VP | KV where working | Date of birth | Date of superannuation |
1. | Sh. Agni Dutt Sharma | No.3 Delhi Cantt | 02.11.2014 | 30.11..2014 |
2. | Smt. Krishna Vinayan | No.l Ahmedabad | 20.11.1954 | 30.11.2014 |
3. | Smt. Renu Kapoor | No. 1 Amritsar Cantt | 15.12.1954 | 31.12.2014 |
4. | B.N. Sharma | Dipatoli Ranchi | 01.01.1955 | 31.12.2014 |
5. | Sh. L.N. Goswami | AFS Baroda | 01.02.1955 | 31.01.2015 |
6. | Dr. (Mrs.) Kulwant Kaur Bhinder | 3 BRD AFS Chandigarh | 12.02.1955 | 28.02.2015 |
- The pay of the aforesaid Principal/Vice-Principal will be fixed by the Joint Commissioner(Fin.), KVS(HQ) in accordance with the provision of Central Civil services (Fixation of pay of re-employment Pensioners) order, 1996 as communicated in the letter of Department of Personnel & Training OM No.3-l/85-Estt (P.II) dated 31.7.1986.
- Dearness relief to re-employed pensioners will be regulated as per instructions contained in Govt, pf India, Department of Pension and PW OM No.45/73/97-P&W(G) dated 2.7.1999 as circulated to all concerned vide letter No.l61-7/99-2000-KVS(Budget) dated 15.10.1999.
- Other terms and conditions of this office letter No.l2-24/95-KVS (Admn.I) dated 15.11.96 and dated 19.3.97 will remain unchanged.
Source: Original PDF