Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to guide employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on how to apply for transfer as per KVS Transfer Policy 2023 through online mode
Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Transfer Policy 2023. This guide helps KVS employees understand the process of applying for transfer through the online platform provided at, hosted by NIC. Learn about concepts such as Tenure and Active Stay, the calculation of Active Stay in hard stations, the consideration of casual leave and compensatory casual leave, provisions for KVS employees with a spouse, special provisions for female employees, completion of tenure at a hard station, and the generation of relieving and joining letters.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to guide employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on how to apply for transfer as per KVS Transfer Policy 2023 through online mode i.e. KVS employee platform available at, hosted by NIC.
Qs.1 What is Tenure and Active Stay? Is it the same?
Ans. Tenure and Active Stay are to be treated separately. Tenure is the total period of service from the date of joining in that station i.e. three years or five years or more at a station (Please refer to Part I, Para 2 (xviii)
Whereas, Active Stay is actual stay in a year after excluding leaves taken during that year (w.e.f. 1st July of the year to 30th June of succeeding year (Please refer to Part I, Para 2 (i))
Note: Casual leave and Compensatory Casual Leave shall not to affect the calculation of Active Stay.
Qs. 2 I am employee working in a hard station. How my Active Stay will be calculated?
Ans. The concept of ‘Active stay’ in the present policy shall be applicable from the date of issue of present transfer policy 2023, i.e. 30.06.2023. The applicants who have been transferred/posted earlier shall not be affected with ‘Active stay’ provision of Present KVS Transfer Policy 2023. Their respective Active Stay will be calculated as per the previous Transfer Guidelines i.e. 2021 irrespective of cadre. This will be applicable for the Qs. Nos. 13 and 14 of FAQ issued on 10.07.2023 as well.
Qs. 3 Whether CL and Compensatory Casual leaves will be considered for calculation of my Active Stay at the station?
Ans. Casual leave and Compensatory Casual Leave shall not be considered while calculation of Active Stay.
Qs. 4 My spouse and me both are KVS employees. We are posted at two different Hard Stations “A” and “8” and completed the tenure. We want to opt common station “C”. What do I do?
Ans. Preference for choosing station “C” for KVS spouse case has been made available on KVS Portal. Both individuals have to choose station “C” while applying through the portal as their first preference. The case shall be considered subject to availability of vacancy.
Qs.5 I am a female employee working in KVS. Is their any special provision for female employee in the new KVS Transfer Policy 2023?
Ans. Yes, Maternity leaves taken by the employee are exempted while calculating Active Stay. Also, special provision for women employees is made while calculating TC/DC (please refer to Part I-A, Para 4 (A) and (B) of KVS Transfer Policy 2023.
Qs.6 After serving for 2 years in a hard station I was transferred to another hard station where I have been working for more than a year. Will it be considered as completion of a tenure at hard station?
Ans. Continuous service in various hard stations without any break shall be considered as one. Since, 3 years of mandatory hard station tenure is completed so the case for transfer may be considered provided s(he) fulfills the other provisions of the KVS Transfer Policy 2023.
Qs. 7 How will relieving and joining letters be generated?
Ans. NIC, who has designed the portal has made provisions for the same, so that KVS has updated database of employees. NIC is also handholding RO/Employees for guiding them to fill the data.
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