Revision of pay scales from 01/07/2019 as per the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision
Pension – Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of University Employees consequent on revision of pay scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission – Orders Issued.
Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 24/06/2021
1) G.O (P) No.146/1986/Fin. Dated 11/12/1986.
2) G.O (P) No.405/1992/Fin. Dated 21/05/1992.
3) G.O (P) No.59/2019/Fin. Dated 22/05/2019.
4) G.O (P) No.89/2019/Fin. Dated 17/07/2019.
5) 11th Pay Revision Commission Report.
6) G.O (P) No. 42/2021/Fin. dated 26/02/2021.
In the Government Order read 6th above, Government have issued orders revising existing scales of pay in respect of University Employees with effect from 01/07/2019. Government are now pleased to order the Revision of Pension and other retirement benefits of following categories:
Part I : Pension & Family Pension of Retired University Employees
1. Basic Principles
1.1. The present system of computation of pension at 50% of the last ten months average emolument, subject to the satisfaction of the condition of earning full pension or part thereof (depending on the length of qualifying service) will continue. The normal rate of family pension will continue as 30% of last pay.
1.2. The minimum basic pension/family pension will be enhanced to ₹11,500/- per month. The maximum pension will be ₹83,400/- (i.e. 50% of the maximum of the highest scale of pay under State Government ₹1,66,800/-). The maximum family pension (normal rate) will be ₹50,040/- (i.e. 30% of ₹1,66,800/- maximum of the highest scale of pay under State Government.)
2. Revision of Pension/Family Pension in respect of those who retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019
2.1. In respect of those who retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019, the pensionary benefits will be calculated with reference to the revised pay introduced with effect from 01/07/2019, applying the normal formulae/rules as existing now.
2.2. In the case of employees who retired from service on or after 01/07/2019 and whose pre-revised pay forms part of average emoluments for pension, their pay in the pre-revised scale shall be enhanced notionally by adding DA at 28%. In the case of those having the eligibility of full pension, and if the pension calculated at the time of retirement is less than 50% of the revised scale of pay from which they retired, 50% of the minimum of the revised scale of pay (Minimum Assured Pension) will be ensured. For those who are not eligible for full pension, the proportion of full pension based on the length of qualifying service shall be ensured. The above provision is applicable in respect of whom pre-revised pay forms part of average emoluments consequent on availing LWA upto four months during the last ten months of service except those who avail LWA under Appendix XIIA, XIIB and XIIC.
2.3. In order to revise the pensionary benefits of employees who retain pre-revised scale and retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019, their pay shall be revised as per GO read 6th above and then the pensionary benefits shall be revised accordingly.
2.4. While fixing pension as per para 2.2 above, if any drop occurs to any pensioner on the total amount (basic pension + DR @ 28%) he has been drawing before revision of pension, such drop shall not be recovered and shall be protected as personal allowance from time to time till the drop vanishes. DR shall be given to such personal allowance vide Government Orders read 3rd and 4th above. No protection will be allowed if the pension drawn in excess is consequent on erroneous fixation.
3. Revision of Pension in respect of those who retired/expired prior to 01/07/2019
3.1. Pension in respect of those who retired/expired prior to 01/07/2019 shall be revised, in accordance with the principles laid down herein.
(a) Consolidated Pension = Existing Basic Pension (as on 30/06/2019) x 1.38 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case). Personal allowance if any received shall be included in the existing basic pension.
(b) Minimum Assured Pension = 50% of minimum of the corresponding revised scale of the post from which the pensioner retired x Qualifying Service / 30 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
3.2. The Consolidated Pension or Minimum Assured Pension arrived in either Para 3.1(a) or (b), whichever is beneficial, will be the revised pension.
3.3. If, in any case, the revised pension (Para 3.2) so arrived at is less than the minimum pension of ₹11,500/-, it shall be enhanced to the level of the revised minimum pension.
3.4. While fixing pension as per para 3.2 above, if any drop occurs to any pensioner on the total amount (basic pension + DR @ 28%) he has been drawing before revision of pension, such drop shall not be recovered and shall be protected as personal allowance from time to time till the drop vanishes. DR shall be given to such personal allowance vide Government Orders read 3rd and 4th above. No protection will be allowed if the pension drawn in excess is consequent on erroneous fixation.
3.5. However, those who were sanctioned minimum pension as per special orders of the Government, pension shall be fixed as minimum pension i.e. ₹11,500/-. The provisions contained in Para 3.1 to 3.4 will not apply to such pensioners.
3.6. As per the Government Order read 2nd above, Dearness Relief on pension has been granted to pro-rata pensioners on their final quittance from the absorbed service.Therefore, consolidation of pension as contemplated in paragraph 3.1(a) is only applicable to them subject to a minimum basic pension of ₹11,500/-.
3.7. In respect of those who are in receipt of compassionate allowance, consolidation, contemplated in para 3.1(a) is only applicable.
3.8 If the post held by the pensioner at the time of retirement/death while in service is no longer in existence in the department from which he retired or if the designation of the post has changed in such a way that it is no longer possible to ascertain as to which is the revised scale corresponding to the post from which the pensioner/ employee retired/expired while in service, the revised basic pension shall be fixed, based on the corresponding scale of pay, over successive pay revisions.
4. Revision of Family Pension in respect of those who retired/expired while in service prior to 01/07/2019
4.1. Family pension in respect of those who retired/expired while in service prior to 01/07/2019 shall be revised from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the principles laid down herein.
(a) Consolidated Family Pension= Existing Basic Family Pension (as on 30/06/2019) x 1.38 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
(b) Minimum Assured Family Pension = 30% of minimum of the corresponding revised scale of the post from which the pensioner retired (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
4.2. The Consolidated Family Pension or Minimum Assured Family Pension arrived in either Para 4.1(a) or (b), whichever is beneficial, will be the revised family pension.
4.3. If, in any case, the revised family pension (Para 4.2) so arrived at is less than the minimum family pension of ₹11,500/-, it shall be enhanced to the level of the revised minimum family pension.
4.4. However, those who were sanctioned minimum family pension as per special orders of the Government, family pension shall be fixed as minimum family pension i.e. ₹11,500/-. Also in the case of those drawing family pension at the minimum rate as per Government Order read 1st above and in cases where the required details are not available for revised calculation, it shall be fixed at the revised minimum family pension viz. ₹11,500/- per month. The provisions contained in Para 4.1 to 4.3 will not apply to such family pensioners.
4.5. The revision as above is applicable to both normal and higher rates of family pension.
5. Commutation of Pension and Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension
The existing rate of 40% of the basic pension for commutation of pension will continue. The entitlement to commute pension admissible on revised pay is applicable in the case of retirement on or after 01/07/2019. The existing commutation factor and the period of restoration will be continued. The pension calculated as per para 3 is not commutable.
6. Ceiling on Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity
The ceiling on maximum amount of DCRG will be raised from ₹14,00,000/- to ₹17,00,000/- with effect from 01/04/2021.
7. Medical Allowance to Pensioners & Family Pensioners
Medical Allowance to pensioners and family pensioners shall be enhanced to ₹500/- per month w.e.f 01/04/2021 and be continued till the implementation of a Medical Insurance scheme for pensioners and family pensioners.
8. Applicability
In general, these orders shall apply to all University employees to whom state scale of pay is applicable.
Part II: Part Time Pension & Part Time Family Pension
9. Basic Principles
9.1. The present system of computation of pension at 50% of the last ten months average emolument, subject to the satisfaction of the condition of earning full pension or part thereof (depending on the length of qualifying service) will continue. The normal rate of family pension will continue as 30% of last pay.
9.2. The minimum basic pension will be enhanced to ₹5,750/- per month(ie., 50% of ₹11,500/-, the minimum of the lowest scale of pay) and maximum pension will be ₹11,485/- (ie., 50 % of `22,970/-, the maximum of the highest scale of pay). The maximum family pension (normal rate) will be ₹6,891/- (ie.,30% of ₹22,970/- ie, maximum of the highest scale of pay) and the minimum family pension will be ₹3,450/- (ie., 30 % of ₹11,500/-, the minimum of the lowest scale of pay).
10. Revision of Pension/Family Pension in respect of those who retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019
10.1. In respect of those who retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019,the pensionary benefits will be calculated with reference to the revised pay introduced with effect from 01/07/2019, applying the normal formulae/ rules as existing now.
10.2. In the case of employees who retired from service on or after 01/07/2019 and whose pre-revised pay forms part of average emoluments for pension, their pay in the pre-revised scale shall be enhanced notionally by adding DA at 28%. In the case of those having the eligibility of full pension, and if the pension calculated at the time of retirement is less than 50% of the revised scale of pay from which they retired, 50% of the minimum of the revised scale of pay (Minimum Assured Pension) will be ensured. For those who are not eligible for full pension, the proportion of full pension based on the length of qualifying service shall be ensured.
10.3. In order to revise the pensionary benefits of employees who retain pre-revised scale and retire/expire while in service on or after 01/07/2019, their pay shall be revised as per Government Order read 6th above and then the pensionary benefits shall be revised accordingly.
10.4. While fixing pension as per para 10.2 above if any drop occurs to any pensioner on the total amount (basic pension + DR @ 28%) he has been drawing before revision of pension, such drop shall not be recovered and shall be protected as personal allowance from time to time till the drop vanishes. DR shall be given to such personal allowance. No protection will be allowed if the pension drawn in excess is consequent on erroneous fixation.
11. Revision of Pension in respect of those who retired/expired prior to 01/07/2019
11.1. Pension in respect of those who retired/expired prior to 01/07/2019 shall be revised, in accordance with the principles laid down herein.
(a) Consolidated Pension = Existing Basic Pension (as on 30/06/2019) x 1.38 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case). Personal allowance if any received shall be included in the existing basic pension.
(b) Minimum Assured Pension = 50% of minimum of the corresponding revised scale of the post from which the pensioner retired x Qualifying Service / 30 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
11.2. The Consolidated Pension or Minimum Assured Pension arrived in either Para 11.1(a) or (b), whichever is beneficial, will be the revised pension.
11.3. If, in any case, the revised pension (Para 11.2) so arrived at is less than the minimum pension of ₹5,750/-, it shall be enhanced to the level of the revised minimum pension.
11.4. While fixing pension as per para 11.2 above if any drop occurs to any pensioner on the total amount (basic pension + DR @ 28%) he has been drawing before revision of pension, such drop shall not be recovered and shall be protected as personal allowance from time to time till the drop vanishes. DR shall be given to such personal allowance. No protection will be allowed if the pension drawn in excess is consequent on erroneous fixation.
11.5. However, those who were sanctioned minimum pension as per special orders of the Government, pension shall be fixed as minimum pension i.e. ₹5,750/-. The provisions contained in Para 11.1 to 11.4 will not apply to such pensioners.
12. Revision of Family Pension in respect of those who retired/expired while in service prior to 01/07/2019
12.1. Family pension in respect of those who retired/expired while in service prior to 01/07/2019 shall be revised from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the principles laid down herein.
(a) Consolidated Family Pension = Existing Basic Family Pension (as on 30/06/2019) x 1.38 (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
(b) Minimum Assured Family Pension = 30% of minimum of the corresponding revised scale of the post from which the pensioner retired (to be retained as same if value obtained is a multiple of 10 without any decimal and rounded to next ten rupees on any other case).
12.2. The Consolidated Family Pension or Minimum Assured Family Pension arrived in either Para 12.1(a) or (b), whichever is beneficial, will be the revised family pension.
12.3. If, in any case, the revised family pension (Para 12.2) so arrived at is less than the minimum family pension of ₹ 3,450/-, it shall be enhanced to the level of the revised minimum family pension.
12.4. However, those who were sanctioned minimum family pension as per special orders of the Government, family pension shall be fixed as minimum family pension i.e. ₹3,450/-.
12.5. The revision as above is applicable to both normal and higher rates of family pension.
13. Ceiling on Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity
The ceiling on maximum amount of DCRG will be raised from ₹2,80,000/- to ₹3,25,000/- with effect from 01/04/2021.
14. Medical Allowance to Pensioners & Family Pensioners
The Medical Allowance to pensioners and family pensioners shall be enhanced to ₹300/- per month w.e.f 01/04/2021 and be continued till the implementation of a Medical Insurance scheme for pensioners and family pensioners.
15. Invalid Pension
Invalid pension shall be granted based on last pay and qualifying service as in the case of State service employees with effect from 01/07/2019 subject to conditions laid down in KSRs Part III.
16. Commutation
The part time contingent pensioners are not eligible for commutation.
Part III: Ex-Gratia Pension & Ex-Gratia Family Pension
17. Ex-gratia pension and Ex-gratia Family Pension is revised with effect from 01/07/2019 as follows:
Completed Year of Qualifying Service | Existing rate of exgratia Pension | Revised rate of exgratia pension | Existing rate of Family Pension | Revised rate |
9 years | 7650 | 10600 | 2295 | 3200 |
8 years | 6800 | 9400 | 2040 | 2850 |
7 years | 5950 | 8250 | 1785 | 2500 |
6 years | 5100 | 7050 | 1530 | 2150 |
5 years | 4250 | 5900 | 1275 | 1800 |
4 years | 3400 | 4700 | 1020 | 1450 |
3 years & below | 2550 | 3550 | 765 | 1100 |
Exgratia pensioners/family pensioners are not eligible for commutation and medical allowance.
Part IV: Other Conditions
18. Arrears of pension for Pensioners under Part I, II and III
18.1. The revised pension/family pension will be granted in cash from 01/07/2021. Pensioners/Family pensioners prior to 01/07/2019 are eligible to draw arrears on account of revision of Pension/Family pension in four installments each at 25% of the arrears, in cash on July 2021, August 2021, October 2021 and December 2021.
18.2. In the case of those who retired on or after 01/07/2019, the arrears of Pension, Family Pension, DCRG and Terminal Surrender will be disbursed as stated above.Arrears on Commutation will be disbursed in a single installment in cash on 01/10/2021.
18.3. In the event of death, the entire arrears on account of revision of Pension/Family pension, DCRG,Commutation and Terminal Surrender as the case may be, not drawn by the pensioner/family pensioner will be paid as lump sum on the date of death, to the nominee/legal heirs of the pensioner/family pensioner.
18.4. Excess if any on account of revision of pensionary benefits shall be recovered from the balance of DCRG, arrears of pension, arrears of dearness relief and future dearness relief on pension. For this an affidavit as per the Appendix shall be obtained before the release of third installment of arrears.
19. Dearness Relief
The rate of dearness relief admissible for pensioners/family pensioners under Part I,II and III from 01/07/2019 onwards will be as shown below:
Date | Rate of DR | Total |
01-07-2019 | 0 | 0 |
01-01-2020 | 4% | 4% |
01-07-2020 | 3% | 7% |
20. Special Care Allowance
20.1. ‘Special Care Allowance’ @ ₹1,000/- per month shall be granted to the Service Pensioners/ Family Pensioners/ Part Time Pensioners/Part Time Family Pensioners/ Ex-Gratia Pensioners/ Ex-Gratia Family pensioners on completion of 80 years of age with effect from 01/04/2021. Conditions for Special care allowance in Circular No.27/2021/Fin dtd 19/03/2021 and Circular No.30/2021/Fin dtd 30/03/2021 shall be made applicable.
20.2. No Dearness Relief is admissible for Special Care Allowance.
Example:- A pensioner born on 24/07/1941 completes 80 years on 23/07/2021. He shall be eligible for this allowance from August 2021 onwards.
21. Authorisation of revised pensionary claims
21.1. The revised pensionary claims on account of fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay sanctioned from 01/07/2019 will be disbursed by the Pension Disbursing Authority concerned.
21.2. University authorities shall revise the pension in respect of all pensioners/family pensioners including those who received provisional pension who retired prior to 01/07/2019 as per provisions enumerated in this order.
22. Miscellaneous
22.1. All the Government Orders/Circulars/Clarifications etc. issued with regards to pension of State Government Employees will be applicable mutatis mutandis to the Universities.
22.2. As explained above the pension in respect of University pensioners shall be revised subject to the condition that the expenditure for the irnplementation of Revision of Pension will be met by Universities from its own resources.
By Order of the Governor,