Expected DA from July 2016
Guidelines for Relaxation to travel by Airlines other than Air India.
Annexure- ‘A”
1. Request for seeking relaxation is required to be submitted in the Proforma (Annex. B)
2. The request for relaxation must be submitted to Integrated Finance Division at least 7 working days in advance from date of travel,
3. There is no requirement to seek relaxation for those -Sectors on which General/blanket relaxation has been accorded by Ministry of Civil Aviation.
4. Those seeking relaxation on ground of Non-Availability of Seats (NAS) must enclose NAS Certificate issued by authorized travel agents or a copy of the sector specific snapshot of Air India website.
5. As per Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No, 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13th July, 2005 for sectors which are not connected directly by any of the airlines, an employee must travel by Air India Upto the nearest hub. Relaxation will be granted for the remaining segment.
6. Relaxation to travel by airlines other than Air India while availing LTC will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, Non availability of Al flight/seats on a particular day/time would not be considered as a valid ground for seeking relaxation,
7. Availability of lover fare is no criteria for seeking relaxation.
8. Those seeking relaxation on the ground of attending meeting at a particular time, must attach meeting,notice and approved tour programme.
9. For foreign travel cases, where. full or partial grants are received, journey has to be performed on Air India upto the place upto which Air .India is available and seek relaxation for the remaining sector. On international routes where Air India has code-share partner, the same must be utilised.
10. For invitees-from abroad travelling on Government of -India funding, efforts should be made to book them on Air India and Air India code share flights to the extent possible.
11. Non-receipt of approval by the stipulated date does not entitle one to claim, relaxation as a matter of right.