Regulation of journeys on use of own/ hired taxi on account of disability of the Govt. Servant on LTC.
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
Dated:13th Jan 2015
No. AT/IV/4462/LTC Claim
PCoA (Fys) Kolkata
Sub: Regulation of journeys on use of own/ hired taxi on account of disability of the Govt. Servant on LTC.
Reference is invited to Gol, DoPT OM F No. 31011/3/2009-Estt.(A) dated: 28th 0ct’2009.
2. The HQ office has been in receipt of references from Controllers regarding issues pertaining to the subject mentioned above. In this context it is stated that the matter was taken up with MoD (Fin) for clarification.
3. In this connection please find enclosed a copy of DoPT letter F.No. G- 26033/I/Cash-13 (Pt.File) dated: 25.09.2014 received under MoD (Fin) ID No. 10(I)/2014/Fin QA dated: 14.10.2014 clarifying the point of doubts for information and further necessary action please.
4. The applicability of this clarification in r/o of Armed Forces personnel has separately been taken up with MoD D Mov. Further communication on this issue will follow on receipt of clarification from MoD D Mov.
Addl. CGDA has seen.
Sr. Accounts Officer (AT-IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence (Fin/QA)
Room No. 412-C, :ET Wins,
Sena Bhawan, New Deihi
Subject : Views/remarks regarding, use ot own/Hired taxi on- LTC on account of physically handicapped employees.
Reference: Jt.CGDA (AT Coord) U.O. No. AT/IV/4462/LTC Claim dt. 07.07.2011
Attention of Jt.CGDA (AT-IIJ) is drawn to his above referred U.O. seeking views/remarks regarding use of own/hired taxi on LTC on account of physical handicap.
2. The subject file was referred to DoPT for their comments. DoPT stated that if [he clarification sought is in respect of Defence Personnel, then it is clarified that CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 are not applicable to them. In case of civilian Government servants, the clarification provided by DoPT is enclosed for information.
3. O/o the CGDA is advised to strictly follow the advice rendered by DoPT in the marter and decide the LTC cases in respect of physically handicapped employees, accordingly.
( Lajpac Raj)
Tele : 2301 1380
Jt.CGDA (AT-III).O/o the CGDA Ulan Batar Road, Delhi Cantt-10. MoD (Fin) ID No. 10(1)/20l4/Fin QA dated 14.10.2014
Department of Personnel & Training
EsttA-IV Desk
F.No. G-26033/l/Cash-13 (Pt File)
Ref. notes of Ministry of Defence on pre-pages seeking clarification regarding use of own/ hired taxi on LTC on account of physically handicap.
2. It is not clear from the notes as to whether the clarification sought for is in respect of civilian. Government employees in the Defence services or Defence personnel. In case, the clarification sought is in respect of Defence Personnel, then it is clarified that CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 are not applicable to them. In case of civilian Government servant the clarification is Provided as under:
S.No |
Points of Doubts raised by PcsDA/CsDA |
Remarks/Views of DoPT |
1 |
Whether a physically disabled officer who travels by air/ train on Temporary Duty can make use of own/ hired taxi on LTC?
As per DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/3/2009-Estt(A) dated 28th October, 2009, such relaxation to travel by own car/ hired taxi is available to only those Govt servants who on account of physical handicap of self or dependant family members is unable to perform the LTC journey by the authorized modes of transport and are compelled to undertake the journey by own car/private taxi.
It is believed that a Govt employee who is able to travel by air/ train on Temporary Duty, he is/capable of undertaking the journey by the same on LTC also.
2 |
Whether the amount should be restricted to Rail fare by shortest route or the physically challenged officer using own/ hired taxi on LTC who is otherwise entitled to travel by air (i.e. drawing grade pay of ₹ 5400/- and above).
The amount admissible to the physically disabled Govt. Servant shall not be more than the journey performed by the entitled class of rail/air (as per his entitled mode) by the shortest route or the actual taxi fare whichever is less, provided that the source station and destination station are connected by these modes of transport
3 |
Whether it would be appropriate to admit air fare on notional basis for non-existing air routes or shortest routes like pune- Mumbai, Delhi – Faridabad, Delhi-Mathura etc. for physically challenged officer using own/hired taxi on LTC? |
No. Air fare cannot be admitted on notional basis that too for the non-existing air route. Where the source station and destination station are not connected by train or air transport, are claim shall be regulated in terms of the Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23rd September, 2008 as per the mileage allowance for journeys performed by road in own car/taxi. |
Continue read from LTC…, LTC Claim forms
Source: http://cgda.nic.in/