MACP anomalies meeting held between the Railway Board (Executive Directors) and the Federations
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No. IV/MACPS/09/Part9
Dated: 12/10/2015
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: MACP anomalies meeting held between the Railway Board (Executive Directors) and the Federations-reg.
The position relating to discussions held between the Railway Board (EDs) and the Federations at Rail Bhavan on 12th October 2015 is briefly placed below: –
1.Financial up-gradation under MACPS to the directly recruited Gradate Engineers -Considering entry Grade Pay as Rs. 4600/- for the purpose of MACP to all the directly recruited Engineering Graduates in Design/Drawing Cadre and other Cadres. (NFIR’s PNM item No. 18/2011)
- After discussion the Official Side stated that they will collect position relating to Graduate Engineers recruited in Pay Scale of Rs. 5500-9000 who were deprived of MACP benefit while those recruited later on and got Pay Scale of Rs. 6500-10500 through LDCE against 20% DR Quota for further view.
2.Third financial up-gradation under MACPS on completion of 20 years of service from the first promotion or 10 years after second promotion or 30 years after regular appointment – Whichever is earlier?
7. Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS to the staff who are in the same Grade Pay for more than 20 years. (NFIR’s PNM Item No. 1/2011).
- It was agreed to re-consider and discuss with the Federations before making out conclusion on these issues.
3.Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme in the promotional hierarchy -(instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – as per judgment of various Courts.
- Federation explained that the Grade Pay Rs. 2000 is not existing in the Railways and invited attention of Railway Board to the minutes of the Joint Committee meeting held at the level of DoP&T for review. It was agreed to take action accordingly.
4.MACPS benefits to railway employees – cases of employees joining another unit/organization on request.
- It was agreed to review and re-iterate DoP&T O.M. as it is.
5.Provision of all benefits on financial upgrading under MACPS – including entitlements for travel & treatment in hospital etc.
- Discussed. Official Side stated that the MACP benefits have already been extended as per DoP&T guidelines.
6.Non-grant of benefit of financial up-gradation under MACPS to the staff on North Western Railway.
- Particulars of individual employees will be obtained from N.W. Railway for considering the case. NFIR invited Board’s attention to its letter dated 13/01/2014.
8.Abolition of Pay Scale and Introduction of up-graded Pay Scale with revised designation -’Senior Section Engineers (Drawing) – Clarification on entry Grade Pay.
- Case of Diploma Holder Tracers appointed against DR Quota vacancies as per Board’s orders (pursuant to DC/JCM decision) will be considered positively.
9.Non-grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme to the Stock Verifiers working in Zonal Railways/Production Units.
- Agreed to consider.
10.Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme – Wrongful clarification issued by the Railway Board.
- NFIR quoted the case of Pharmacists, Guards besides Sr. Clerks joined against Graduate Quota having cleared RRB Examination. It was also contended that the LDCE being part of DR Quota, all such promotions are to be ignored for the purpose of MACP. It was agreed to consider.
11.Wrong implementation of MACP Scheme in IT Cadre/Granting of financial benefit under MACP Scheme to EDP Staff.
- Will be examined.
Yours Fraternally.
General Secretary
Source: NFIR