Revision of the rates of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) — recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission
Dated: 30/07/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Revision of the rates of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) — recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission-reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2017/HW-1 dated 08/03/2018 (RBE No.36/2018).
Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to the instructions issued vide letter dated 08/03/2018 (RBE No. 36/2018) wherein hourly rato3f Night Duty Allowance have been revised as follows pursuant to implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC:-
- The hourly rate of NDA shall be equal to (Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance/2000) to eligible categories of non-Gazetted Railway Staff with proviso that the rate should be worked out separately for each employee who work during the period from 22 hours to 06 hours and weight age of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between the above hours.
2. In this connection, Federation desires to bring to the notice of Railway Board that pursuant to the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations, the rates of Night Duty Allowance in respect of Railway employees classified as ‘Continuous’, ‘Intensive’, ‘Excluded’ and ‘Essentially Intermittent’ given effect from 01/09/2008 vide Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2008/HW-2 dated 16/12/2008 (RBE No.199/2008) have been revised from time to time, while the last revision was made vide letter No. E(P&A)II-2016/HW-1 09/06/2016 (RBE No. 61/2016). The revised rates made effective w.e.f. 01/01/2016 have been contained in Annexures ‘A’ & w `B’ of RBE No. 61/2016. These rates for Night Duty Allowance were fixed on the pay drawn by the employee in the respective Pay Band.
3. With the issuance of Board’s instructions dated 08/03/2018 consequent upon implementation of the recommendation of 7th CPC, it has been found that the Night Duty Allowance to the staff working in lower pay levels got reduced in comparison with the NDA received by them as per the 6th CPC pay. Federation cites following examples for appreciation:-
- Mr. A is drawing Pay at the rate of Rs. 42300 in 7th CPC Pay Level-6 as on 01/07/2017. His Night Duty Allowance comes to Rs. 222 (if DA is taken at the rate of 5%).
- Similarly, Mr.B whose pay in Level-6 as on 01-07-2017 is Rs.43600, he gets Night Duty Allowance @ Rs.299, and Mr.C whose pay as on 01-07-2017 in Level-7 is Rs.50,500, he gets NDA Rs.265.
The amount of NDA now being paid to the staff as illustrations cited above, is far less than the NDA which they were receiving on 6th CPc pay i.e 274.70 (for staff in GP 4200/Level-6) and Rs.278.90 for those in (GP 4600/Level-7). Federation however does not agree for reduction of Night Duty Allowance already allowed to staff in various levels, Federation is also of the view that the Railway Board could have atleast maintained at the old rates of Night Duty Allowance in respect of staff whose rates of NDA get lowered by adopting the 7th CPF formula. The orders issued by the Railway Board are therefore unjustified besides causing financial loss to the staff of various pay levels of Group C and needed to be rectified.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to review its decision and issue revised instructions duly allowing the rates of Night Duty Allowance already drawn as a result of sanction given pursuant to implementation of 6th CPc Pay Band. A coy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary.
Source: NFIR