Career Progression of Track Maintainers in Railways — full implementation of the report of Joint Committee – NFIR
No. IV/Committee/Track Maintainer/Part III
Dated: 18/05/2017
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Career Progression of Track Maintainers in Railways — full implementation of the report of Joint Committee-reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 1/2015.
Railway Board’s letter No. 2010/CE-1(Spl)/GNS/15 (Pt.) dated 17/08/2012, E(NG)I-2012/PM5/1 dated 13/08/2013, No. 2012/CE-1/GNS/20 dated 01/04/2014 & No. E(NG) I-2012/PM/1 dated 14/10/2014.
NFIR’s letter No. IV/Committee/Track Maintainer/Pt. III dated 12/04/2016, 10/08/2016, 01/11/2016 & 28/11/2016.
During NFIR’s PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 22/23-12-2016, while discussing the subject matter, Official Side conveyed that the matter has been examined in the Pay Commission Directorate and full facts of the case have been put up for decision on modalities of implementation to Civil Engineering Directorate.
In this connection, Federation reminds the Railway Board that the subject relating to revision of percentages in the Track Maintainer category to 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 in VI CPC GP 2800, 2400, 1900 & 1800 respectively was discussed between the Federations and the Board (MS & FC) on 27/09/2013 when Shri Subodh Jain, Member Staff/Member Engineering was present. During the meeting, it was agreed to revise the percentage distribution of the Track Maintainers in the ratio of 6 : 12 : 22 : 60 in lieu of existing 3 : 6 : 20 : 71 and further upward revision would again be decided later on. In the further meeting held between the Federations and the full Board on 07/02/2014 an agreement was reached (vide Item No. 4) and in this connection extract of minutes of meeting is reproduced below:-
“It was agreed that the percentage distribution of posts in the ratio of 6 : 12 : 20 : 60 as per minutes of the separate meeting held on 27/09/2013 would be implemented for which matching surrender would not necessarily be from the Trackmen cadre only. Further, improvement in cadre structure could be considered after reasonable period of residency has elapsed. However, the matching surrender shall be needed”.
Federation is disappointed to notice that the Railway Board instead of fulfilling its commitment has conveyed (citing DC/JCM Item No. 15/2012) that the “Board had decided to keep the existing percentage distribution of posts of Track Maintainer as 6 : 12 : 22 : 60 in the Track Maintainer category Grade-I, II, III & IV respectively” without caring to give cognizance to its commitment dated 27/09/2013 and 07/02/2014. The Board’s status report amounts to breach of agreement.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board (MS) to kindly see that the commitment given to the Federations is fulfilled duly revising the percentage distribution of Track Maintainers to 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 in VI CPC GP 2800/-, 2400/-, 1900/- & 1800/- respectively with retrospective effect. Federation also demands meeting at the level of CRB.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretar
Rajendra Prasad says
ये एन.एफ.आई.आर. ट्रेकमैन कैडर का भला नही कर सकती है,क्योंकि ट्रेकमैन कैडर का उत्थान के लिए रेल्वे बोर्ड ने एल.डी.सी.(ट्रैफिक) परीक्षा में शामिल करने से इन्होने बोर्ड को मना कर दिया था।