Relaxation of service condition of minimum five years service – re-employed Defence Personnel in Railway
The Chairman,
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Comprehensive transfer policy – exemption from 5 years service condition
Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No.18/2016
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2005/TR/20 dated 10/02/2017.
(iii) NFIR’s letter No.II/14/Part VII dated 21st Feb,2017, 23/02/2017 and 12/04/2019.
(iv) NFIR’s letter No.II/14/Part VIII dated 15/05/2017 & 04/12/2017.
(v) Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2015/TR/20 dated 17/01/2018
(vi) NFIR’s letter No.II/14/Part VIII dated 30/01/2018
(vii) NFIR’s letter No.II/14/2018 dated 23/07/2018
(viii) NFIR’s letter No.II/14/2018-I dated 22/01/2019 & 25/03/2019.
Federation brings to the kind notice of the Railway Board (CRB) that NFIR’s PNM Agenda Item No. 18/2016 relating to relaxation of service condition of minimum five years service in the case of re-employed Defence Forces Personnel seeking inter Railway transfer on request has been pending since the last three years. During NFIR’s PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 25/26-04-2019, the Official Side conveyed through Action Taken Statement as under:-
”The matter is presently under consideration. Feedback has been called for, from all the Zonal Railways. Responses from some of them are still awaited.”
Federation feels sad to state that though a period of over six months passed, progress made into the matter is yet to be conveyed.
In this connection, Federation also brings to the notice of the Board (CRB) that the NFIR General Secretary held discussions at the level of CRB more than once (last discussions held on 22/11/2018), when the CRB gave assurance that the relaxation has been processed and the final orders would be issued very shortly, but unfortunately relaxation decision has not been issued so far.
May I once again seek the intervention of CRB to kindly see that orders issued granting relaxation to five years service condition in favour of former Defence Personnel re-employed in Railways, facilitating their inter Railway transfer requests soon.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR