Grant of 1st Class Privilege Pass to the ASMs GP 2800/- upgraded to GP 4200/- (PB-2)/7th CPC Pay Level 6
No. I/15/Part III
Dated: 22/04/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of 1st Class Privilege Pass to the ASMs GP 2800/- upgraded to GP 4200/- (PB-2)/7th CPC Pay Level 6 -reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/2 dated 02/08/2016.
Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to letter No. E(W)2008/PS 5-1/38 dated 06/01/2011, according to which employees working in GP 4200/- (PB-2) have been made eligible to receive 1st Class Privilege Pass. In this context, NFIR desires to convey that with the up gradation of the posts of ASM (GP 2800/PB-1) to GP 4200/PB-2 pursuant to implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC as communicated vide Board’s letter dated 02/08/2016, cited under reference (Note 2 of Annexure 13′) the ASMs have been upgraded from VIth CPC GP 2800 to GP 4200/- (PB-2) consequently placed in 7th CPC Pay Matrix level 6 with effect from 01/01/2016. They are therefore eligible for 1st class pass automatically. Reports received at this that on a few Zonal Railways, the 1st Class Pass entitlement is being denied on the plea that separate orders have not yet been issued by the Railway Board.
In this connection, NFIR re-iterates that Board’s instructions dated 06/01/2011 are very clear and therefore Zonal Railways should not deny 1st Class Privilege Pass to those ASMs who have been placed in GP 4200 (PB-2)/Pay Matrix Level 6.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue clarification to the Zonal Railways for granting 1st Class Privilege Pass to those ASMs placed in GP 4200/Pay Level 6 without causing any hurdle. Copy of clarificatory instructions may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary