Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC Anomalies for consideration in the Departmental Anomaly Committee GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VII/2016/DAC/1 New Delhi, Dated : 25.05.2017 The General … [Read more...] about Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC Anomalies for consideration in the Departmental Anomaly Committee
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Revision of Additional Relief on death/ disability of Government servants covered under NPS in pursuance of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC
Revision of Additional Relief on death/ disability of Government servants covered under NPS in pursuance of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC No.28/03/2017-P&PW(B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and … [Read more...] about Revision of Additional Relief on death/ disability of Government servants covered under NPS in pursuance of Govt. decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC
Extension of the benefit of bunching to Assistant Accounts Officers as per the recommendations of 7th CPC
Extension of the benefit of bunching to Assistant Accounts Officers as per the recommendations of 7th CPC No: - NFCAA/HQ/A-2/2017 Dated: 22.05.2017 To, Shri Anthony Lianzuala, Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department … [Read more...] about Extension of the benefit of bunching to Assistant Accounts Officers as per the recommendations of 7th CPC
Inordinate delay in implementation of the report of the Committee on Allowances
Inordinate delay in implementation of the report of the Committee on Allowances No.NC/JCM/2017 Dated: May 23,2017 The Cabinet Secretary, (Government of India), Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Inordinate … [Read more...] about Inordinate delay in implementation of the report of the Committee on Allowances
Brief of the meeting held today with the Cabinet Secretary (Government of India)
Brief of the meeting held today with the Cabinet Secretary (Government of India) No.NC/JCM/2017 Dated: May 23,2017 All Constituents of Staff Side(JCM) Dear Comrades! Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with the Cabinet Secretary (Government … [Read more...] about Brief of the meeting held today with the Cabinet Secretary (Government of India)
Recommendations of 7th CPC on benchmark for the purpose of MACPS-clarification
Recommendations of 7th CPC on benchmark for the purpose of MACPS-clarification Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No.PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 New Delhi, Dated :19.05.2017 The General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chelmsford Road, New … [Read more...] about Recommendations of 7th CPC on benchmark for the purpose of MACPS-clarification
Extension of time limit for forwarding anomalies of the 7th CPC for consideration in the National Anomalies Committee
Extension of time limit for forwarding anomalies of the 7th CPC for consideration in the National Anomalies Committee No.NC/JCM(NAC) Dated: May 13, 2017 The Dy. Secretary(JCA), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & … [Read more...] about Extension of time limit for forwarding anomalies of the 7th CPC for consideration in the National Anomalies Committee
4th,5th,6th and 7th Pay Scale Table for 7th CPC Pension Sample calculations for CGE
4th,5th,6th and 7th Pay Scale Table for 7th CPC Pension Sample calculations for CGE S.No 4th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f. 1.1.1986 5th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f 1.1.1996 6th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f. 1.1.2006 7th CPC Pay Levels w.e.f. … [Read more...] about 4th,5th,6th and 7th Pay Scale Table for 7th CPC Pension Sample calculations for CGE
7th Pay Commission – Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners Sample calculations
7th Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners Sample calculations i) REVISED PENSION OF PENSIONERS WHO RETIRED BETWEEN 1-1-1986 & 31-12-1995 (4TH CPC SCALES) Step 1: work out Notional pay as on 1.1.1996 = LPD … [Read more...] about 7th Pay Commission – Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners Sample calculations
7th CPC – Revised pension Fixation Calculation on Notional Pay – Karnataka COC
7th CPC - Revised pension Fixation Calculation on Notional Pay - Karnataka COC Modification made appears fixing the pay of pre 2016 retirees notionally in revised pay matrix and then fixing pension at 50% of pay. If the pension so fixed is more than … [Read more...] about 7th CPC – Revised pension Fixation Calculation on Notional Pay – Karnataka COC