Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner- inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for revision of pension/ ordinary family pension…
Office of the Pr.C.D.A.(Pensions)
Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014
Tele : (0532) -2421877
Circular No. 25
Dated: 21 becember,2015
SUBJECT:- Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner- inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for revision of pension/ ordinary family pension in respect of Medical officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC).
Reference:- This office circular No.24 dated 11.09.2015
Amendment to this office Circular No. 24 dated 11.09.2015 hereby carried out as under-
The following sentence may be inserted at the end of existing para at serial No. 8.
“The provision of this circular is applicable mutatis mutandis in respect of all Pre-1996 and Pre-2006 retired medical officers of Navy & Air force also, who were in receipt of NPA at the time of their retirement.” Their pension/ordinary family pension will also be revised as per respective annexure enclosed with the circular as per their equivalent ranks in Army.
No. G-1/M/01/ICOS/NPA/ Vol.-III
Date: 21.12.2015
(C.B. Yadav)
Asstt. CDA (P)
Signed Copy Click here
Dr surendra Nath says
It will be a great injustice if doctors of CENTRAL POLICE FORCE are ignored from this benefit.
Mathias says
This text is worth everyone’s attention. How can I find out more?