Submission of Pension claims owing to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and quarantine protocols
ALLAHAIBAD- 211014 www.pcdapensionmic.in,
email : cua-albd@nic.in FAX Tele: 0532-2421877;2421879;2421880,
Extension:216 Toll Free No: 1800-180-5321 (Timing-9:30 AM to 6:00 PM)
Circular No. 643
The 01/C Records/PAOs(ORs)
Dated: 02.12.2020
Subject:- Submission of Pension claims owing to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and quarantine protocols.
Reference:- This office Circular No. 637 dated 29.07.2020.
Reference is invited to this office Circular No. 637 dated 29.07.2020 under which all Record Offices were advised to submit the pension claim through an integrated system for online submission of all the regular cases (original as well as corrigendum) through UTILITY software except the six Record Offices as stated therein.
2. It is noticed that only original service pension claims from five Record Offices (AMC, RRC, JRC, Signal and EME) are being processed through Suvinay, whereas cases of family pension, disability pension etc. are not processed through Suvinay. The RRRC Delhi is also not covered under Suvinay. Accordingly following amendment is being issued at Para-2 of Circular No. 637 dated 29.07.2020:-
(i) All corrigendum claims, disability pension claims and family pension claims etc. will also be submitted through the utility hosted on WAN in case of five Record Offices (AMC, RRC, JRC, Signal and EME).
(ii) In case of RRRC, Delhi Cantt, all types of pension claim will be submitted through utility.
3. All other terms and conditions of Circular No. 637 dated 29.07.2020 shall remain unchanged. For any query in this regard may be contacted to:-
(i) Shri Ramji Mishra, Sr.AO(P) 0532-2420427
(ii) Shri Pradeep Mishra, AAO(P)
(iii) Email ID: pcdapedp.cgda@nic.in
0532 – 2420427
4. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination to all concerned.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Durgaa Lal Meena)