Starting of Family Pension and Payment of arrears of Rs. 4,00,000/- to unmarried daughter after 3 years
Ms. Gitika Bakshi – Family Pension Initiated and Rs. 4,00,000 Arrears Granted After 3-Year Struggle. After facing delays and challenges, Ms. Gitika Bakshi’s case was successfully resolved through the feedback call center and portal, resulting in the initiation of her family pension and the payment of Rs. 4,00,000 arrears in September 2023.
7.5 Name: Ms. Gitika Bakshi
Gist of Success Story: Starting of Family Pension and Payment of arrears of Rs. 4,00,000/- to unmarried daughter after 3 years
Ms. Gitika Bakshi is an unmarried daughter of Late Smt. Meenakshi, a Railway employee. Her mother died in September, 2020 leaving behind her and a younger son. Thereafter, she applied for Family Pension in the concerned Ministry.
As per the case report, she was asked several documents, however, even after 2.5 years, her family pension was not started.
Thereafter, she filed complaint bearing registration number- DOPPW/E/2023/0011900 on CPENGRAMS Portal in the month of March, 2023 which was forwarded to the concerned Ministry. The GRO issued a letter, asking her to submit Indemnity Bond in proper format from Court and closed her case on 5th April, 2023.
Thereafter, she submitted the documents and in the mean time, she was contacted by feedback team and the case was re-registered (DOPPW/P/2023/0009993) on 8th September, 2023 as she informed about not receiving the the pensionary dues.
The re-registered case was sent to Ministry of Railways and the Ministry expeditiously acted in her case and the complaint was closed with the payment of Family Pension arrears of Rs. 4,00,000/- in the month of September, 2023.