Allowing female railway servant/female pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension in precedence to her husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code
RBE No. 24/2024 enables female railway servants/pensioners to nominate their child/children for family pension ahead of their husband in cases of marital discord, including divorce proceedings or legal actions under relevant laws. This directive, in line with Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare guidelines, ensures applicability across Railways.
RBE No. 24/2024.
No. 2024/F(E)III/PN1/1
New Delhi, dated: 08.03.2024.
The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc,
DGs of RDSO and NAIR.
Sub: Allowing female railway servant/female pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension in precedence to her husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code-reg.
A copy of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW/)’s O.M. No. 1/1(1)/2023-P&PW(E) dated 01.01.2024 is enclosed for information and guidance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. The provisions of Rule 50 of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 are contained in Rule 75 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Sanjay Prashar)
Joint Director Finance (Estt.)-II
Railway Board
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