Pension Slip forwarded to all the Pensioners of KVS on their registered Mobile Number through sms and email.
18, Institutional Area,
Saheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110016
Phone no.: 26561153, 26858570,
WebSite: www.kvsangathan,nic.in
Date: 02.08.2021
All the Pensioners of KVS
Sub:- Issue of Pension Slip
In compliance to OM dated 22.06.2021 issued by DDP&PW, GOI, KVS has issued instructions to its Pension Disbursing Authority i.e. State Bank of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi for forwarding of Pension Slip to all the Family pensioners/Pensioners of KVS. The Pension Slip will be forwarded to all the pensioners of KVS on their registered mobile number through sms and email after credit of pension in their Account.
In order to facilitate the Pension Disbursing Authority of KVS, i.e. SBI, all the pensioners are requested to update their email ID and mobile number in Saving Bank Account maintained with SBI for Pension/Family Pension.
Yours faithfully,
Assistant Commissioner (Fin.)