Viewing facility of the status of Revision of PPOs as per 7th CPC by the Railway Pensioners.
RBA No. 78/2018
New Delhi dated 06.08.2018
General Managers
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub:- Viewing facility of the status of Revision of PPOs as per 7th CPC by the Railway Pensioners.
Board has been receiving representations from various pensioners’ Associations for providing viewing facility of status of Revision of PPOs as per 7th CPC by Railway Pensioners in the ARPAN portal .
Accordingly, ARPAN has now been modified to host this facility under the caption ‘Services: CPC7-PPO Tracking’ which allows to know the revision status from Home page without logging into the ARPAN site. Further, Pension payment details and other particulars along with download facility of Revised PPO is also made available in ARPAN after logging in on ‘My Account’ by the bonafide pensioner/family pensioner.
It is therefore requested to give wide publicity amongst the Railway pensioners about the new facility made available in ARPAN.
(Anjali Goyal)
Pr.Executive Dir ctor/Accounts
Railway Board
Venkatesan R P says
Revised PPO not generated by TPJ DIVISION of southern Railway and we are dark about the revision of pension. PDA is saying that they have not received revised PPO so far.
Gopalaswamy Honnavalli says
All these facilities r created at the tail end and is not of much use to those who r already receiving revised pension . As for ‘ my a/c ‘ one would know it from the entries in the S/B pass book.itself
Is it to make a show that such facilities r created when more than 90% of revised PPOs r already generated?