Deletion of unmatched Subscriber Contribution Files (SCFs) in CRA system after 10 days of SCF upload
Date: 18th January, 2016
All Central Government Ministries & Departments/ State Governments PrAOs, PAOs, CDDOs, NCDDOs & other CG Nodal offices; DTAs, DTOs, DDOs & other SG Nodal offices Autonomous Bodies
Subject: Deletion of unmatched Subscriber Contribution Files (SCFs) in CRA system after 10 days of SCF upload
Currently, the validity period of SCF in the CRA system is stipulated for 15 days since 01.05.2012 as per instruction issued by CRA vide Circular no. CRA/PO&RUPA0/2012/002 dt 09.04.2012. SCF gets deleted in case Matching & Booking process is not completed within 15 days from the date of upload of SCF.
In order to further streamline the process by reducing the number of unmatched SCFs in the CRA system due to delay in remitting NPS contributions by nodal offices and to inculcate discipline among these offices by ensuring remittance of NPS contributions to the Trustee Bank as soon as SCF is uploaded in CRA system, it has been decided to reduce the validity period of Subscriber Contribution File (SCF) uploaded in CRA system further from 15 days to 10 days w.e.f. 01.04.2016.
Therefore, SCFs uploaded after 01.04.2016, if not matched & booked within 10 days, will be deleted from the CRA system. Keeping in view the above, nodal offices are required to remit the NPS contributions in such a way that the SCF uploaded in the CRA system gets matched and booked, in prescribed timelines.
In case of any clarification, please contact NSDL officials Mr. Sunny Gonsalves, Assistant Manager, at 022-24994856 (email- or Mr. Abhishek Dhuri, Manager at 022-24994266 (email-abhishekd©
Ashish Kumar
General Manager
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