DoPPW issues notification for Central Government employees covered under the NPS
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
DoPPW issues notification for Central Government employees covered under the NPS
31 MAR 2021 5:16PM by PIB Delhi
DoPPW has brought out the notification for regulating the service matters of Central Government employees covered under the National Pension System.
The New Defined Contribution based Pension Scheme was introduced vide Department of Economic Affairs Notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22nd December, 2003.Thereafter the activities under the National Pension System viz. registration, contribution, investment, fund management, withdrawals, annuity, etc. are regulated by the PFRDA Act, 2013.
However, there were several service matters pertaining the NPS employees which were not covered by the PFRDA Act. Therefore, in order to streamline the implementation of NPS, DoPPW initiated the proposal for framing of separate service rules for NPS employees.
The present notification provides a detail guideline for processing various benefits /facility available to NPS employees such as compensation to be paid to the Government servant in case of delay in registration and credit of contributions to the NPS Account,Option for benefits under the CCS(Pension) Rules or NPS Rules in the event of death or disability of Government servant during service,Benefits payable on retirement on superannuation, premature retirement, voluntary retirement, absorption in autonomous body or PSU, etc.
Earlier the benefits of invalid pension, family pension on death during service, disability pension and extraordinary family pension were extended to NPS covered Government employees at par with the employees appointed before 01.01.2004, vide DoPPW’s O.M. No. 38/41/06-P&PW(A) dated 05.05.2009. Thereafter, the benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity have also been extended to all Central Government employees covered by National Pension System vide DoPPW’s order dated 26.08.2016 on the same terms and conditions as are applicable under CCS(Pension) Rules.
Source: PIB