EPS pensioners to submit their Digital Pramaan Patra at any time during the year as per their convenience
Press Information Bureau
Government Of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
EPFO to allow EPS pensioners to submit their Digital Pramaan Patra at any time during the year as per their convenience
Goa EPFO to collect life certificate from home for bedridden pensioners
Posted On: 06 NOV 2020 5:16PM by PIB Mumbai
Goa, 6 November 2020
In the present scenario of COVID-19 Pandemic, Employees Provident Fund Organization desires that all the Pensioners should stay safe and stay at home in the prevailing Pandemic situation. Therefore, EPFO has proactively partnered with Common Service Centre( CSC) to provide facilities to submit Digital Jeevan Pramaan Patra. Further Post offices have also started collection of Digital Jeevan Pramaan. A multi- agency model adopted by EPFO empowers EPS pensioners with choice and autonomy to select the service delivery agency as per their convenience.
In this regard, a key policy change has been brought by EPFO to allow EPS pensioners to submit their Digital Pramaan Patra at any time during the year as per their convenience and not just during the months of November & December. The Life Certificate will remain valid for One year from the date of submission. For example, The Digital Life Certificate submitted in November/ December 2019 is valid for release of monthly pension for one year i.e up to November / December 2020, respectively. This pro -pensioner step has been taken to provide hassle free Social Security cover to EPS pensioners.
EPS Pensioners are hereby requested to avoid visiting PF Offices and instead submit Aadhar based Biometric Digital Life Certificate for Jeevan Pramaan Patra at respective Bank branches, nearest Post Offices or at Common Service Centers, for details about nearest Common Service Centre use link https://locator.esecloud.in. Pensioners only need to carry their mobile, Bank pass book, Pension Payment Order number and Aadhar number. They can also avail this service by contacting their local Postman/ Nearest Post Office. There are 254 post offices and 100 Common Service centers all over Goa providing services of Jeevan Praman Patra.
For bed ridden pensioners or those suffering for infirmity, Goa Office shall make arrangement to collect Life Certificate from their home for availing such facility, Pensioner/his her family members should send a request through email at ro.goa@epfindia gov.in with complete details.
Therefore, EPFO strongly advises the pensioners to visit their Pension disbursing Banks, nearest Post Offices, Common Service Centers to submit the Digital Life Certificate/Jeevan Pramaan Patra, in this COVID-19 Pandemic situation in order to stay safe.
Source: PIB