Circulation of ‘Transfer Policy’ to regulate transfers of officers/officials, other than the Officers of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’, of Department of Posts
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001
Dated the 04-03-2014
General Manager, CEPT, Mysore
Subject:- Circulation of ‘Transfer Policy’ to regulate transfers of officers/officials, other than the Officers of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’, of Department of Posts.
I am directed to forward herewith a copy of ‘Transfer Policy’ to regulate transfers of officers/officials, other than the Officers of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’, of Department of Posts and to request you to upload the same on the website of India Post in RTI manual under heading “Transfer Policy’.
Yours faithfully,
(Atka. Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
End:- As above
Government Of India
ministry Of Communications & IT
Department Of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated the 31st January, 2014
To All chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General
Subject: circulation of Transfer Policy to regular transfers of officers/officials other than the officers of Indian postal service, Group A, of Department of posts.
I am directed to say that following rules/policy/guidelines have been issued from time to time to transfers of officers/officials, other than the officers of indian postal service, Group a of Department of posts
i. Rule 37 of Postal Manual Vol.IV
ii. Rule 38 of Postal Manual Vol. IV.
iii. Requests received from Inspectors of posts, for inter-circle transfer under rule 38 of postal volume vol.Iv
iv. requests for temporary inter – circle transfer
v. policy guidelines for rotational transfers
vi. transfer/posting of women employees
2. It is observed that some circule are still following some orders/instructions which are outdated/not in force. The transfer policy with regard to officers/officials of Group “A”to “C”(other than the officers of IPOs,Group “A”) has now been prepared after examining all the related issues in detail. therefore, transfer policy to regulate transfers of officers/officials, (other than the Officers of India postal service, Group “A”) of the department of posts is enclosed herewith as Annexure to this letter.
3. Officers of Indian Postal Service, Group “A”including junior time scale/Senior time Scale officers, are rotated/Transferred as per Transfer policy Guidelines issued vide Directorate’s letters No.4-9/2011-SPG dated 04.04.2011 and 02.04.2012.
4. This Transfer Policy is issued in supersession of earlier orders/policy/guidelines on the subject.
5.All postal circles are requested to follow this transfer policy scrupulously.
yours faithfully,
Director (SPN)
Encl: Annexure (Pages 1 to 9)
Transfer Policy (Rule 38)