Pay Structure & Allowances of GDS : RTI information sought from Department of Expenditure
Ministry Of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E-III (A) Branch
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 10-05-2018
107/194, First Street, Netaji Nagar
Tondiarpet, Chennai – 600 081
sir, Please refer to your RTI application dated: 31-03-2018 received in theis branch on 04-04-2018. In regard to Point No.1 to 8 of your RTI application, a copy of this Department’s ID note dated: 02-04-2018 is enclosed herewith.
2. The Appellate Authority is Shri amarnath Singh, director (E.III-A) Department of Expenditure, Room No.74-C, North Block, New Delhi, and email Id is amar. singh60@nic.in and Tel Ph No.is 23093811. Appeal if any may be preferred within 30 days from the receipt of this letter.
Yours faithfully
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India & CPIO
Email: akumar,doe@nic.in
Ph No.23095650
Ministry Of Finance
Department of Expenditure
(E.III-A Branch)
Dated: 02-04-2018
Department of posts may please refer to their Note on page 141/N(F.No.17/31/2016-GDS) seeking concurrence of this Department on the proposal contained in the draft cabinet Note sent along, with that file regarding revision in the pay structure and allowances of Gramin Dak Savaks
2. This Department concurs in the proposal contained in para 7 of the Draft Note for the cabinet, subject to the following conditions:
a) the revised rate of allowances would be given prospective effect, as earlier proposed by Department of Posts and agreed to by this Department as per this Department’s ID Note No.7/31/2006-E.III(A) dated 12.12.2017. This may be clearly mentioned in the Draft Note for the cabinet.
b) so far as the proposal contained in 3.9 of the Draft Note for the Cabinet pertaining to a new incentive scheme and revision of existing incentive scheme is concemed, the introduction of a new incentive scheme, as and when formulated after consultation with the nodal Departments, would require approval of the Cabinet because new incentive scheme would be a new concept and it would have to be seen in the light of the incentives applicable to regular Government servants as well. this may be suitably modified in the Draft Note for the Cabinet.
c) Department of posts would ensure that there is no proposal in the draft note for the cabinet at variance with the concurrence earlier given by this Department with the approval of the finance Minister as per this Department’s ID Note No.7/31/2006-E.III (A) dated 12.12.2017
This has the approval of the Finance Minister.
(Amar Nath Singh)