Remuneration payable to Full Time Casual Labour (Other than Temporary Status)/Part Time Casual Labour/Workers engaged on contingency basis
No. 2-53/2011-PCC
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110001
Dated: 22 Jan 2015
Sub:- Remuneration payable to Full Time Casual Labour (Other than Temporary Status)/Part Time Casual Labour/Workers engaged on contingency basis.
The issue of remuneration payable to Full Time Casual Labourers (Other than Temporary Status) and Part Time Casual Labourers has been under consideration of the Department for quite some time. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Nodal Ministries/Departments and it has been decided, that the remuneration payable to casual labourers would be as under:-
(i) The wages of Full Time Casual Labourers (Other than Temporary Status) would be calculated at the minimum of Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) i.e. Rs.5200 plus a Grade Pay of Rs.1300/- and Dearness Allowance as admissible from time to time. In addition, the benefit of merger of 50% of dearness allowance would also be admissible in terms of DoPT OM No.49014/5/2004-Estt (C) dated 31.05.2004.
(ii) So far as Part Time Casual Labourers are concerned, their wages would be calculated on pro-rata basis, in terms of hours of duty put in, with respect to the minimum of Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200) i.e. Rs.5200 plus a Grade Pay of Rs.1300/- and Dearness Allowance as admissible from time to time. In addition, the benefit of merger of 50% of dearness allowance would also be admissible in terms of DoPT OM No.49014/5/2004-Estt (C) dated 31.05.2004.
- The revision as aforesaid in sub paras (i) to (ii) will take effect from 01.01.2006.
- For the Full Time Casual Labourers covered by Para l(v) of DoPT OM No. 49014/2/86 Estt. (C) dated 07.06.1988 i.e. the full time casual labourers, who are engaged to perform work different from the work performed by regular employee, will continue to be remunerated based on the minimum wages prescribed by Central or State Government, whichever is higher.
- This issues with concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide Diary No.343/FA/2015/CS dated 22.01.2015.
(Surender Kumar)
Asstt. Director General (GDS/PCC)