Revision of Cycle Maintenance Allowance of GDS Mail Carrier/Mail Deliverer – 03rd December, 2015
Government of India
Ministry of communications and I.T
Department of posts
(Establishment Division)
DAK Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001
Dated the 03rd December, 2015
All Heads of /circles
All G.M.(Finance & Accounts)
All Directors of Posts Accounts
Directors RAKNPA Ghaziabad
All Director, PTCs.
Sub: Revision of Cycle Maintenance Allowance of GDS Mail Carrier/Mail Deliverer – Reg.
In continuations to this Directorate O.M. No.41-1/2011-PAP Dated 15th September 2015, on the subject mentioned above and to say that para-2 of the OM dated 15.09.2015 may be read as under:
” Rate of Cycle maintenance allowance are revised @Rs.75/- per month with effect from 01.01.2011 and further revised @ Rs.90/- per month with effect from 01.01.2014. All other terms and conditions for sanctioning of Cycle mantenance allowance will be remain unchanged.’
2. The issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance wing vide their advice in Dy.No.227/FA/2015/CS dated 03.12.2015.
(Maj S.N.Dave)
Asst. Director General (Estt.)