Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination
The Ministry of Railways, Government of India, issued a corrigendum (Corrigendum 4) regarding the Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination. The change in the examination schedule was necessitated by the General elections to Lok Sabha & Legislative assemblies. The new examination dates are from 18.06.2024 to 19.06.2024, with two shifts as per the programme given in Annexure ‘X’.
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. A(E)/A3/2024/1/1
New Delhi, Dt. 19.03.2024
The General Managers and FA & CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
CORE/Allahabad, DG/RDSO, Lucknow
CAO(Rlys), MTP/Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata
New Delhi.
All Zonal Railways.
Corrigendum 4
Sub: – Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination.
Please refer to Board’s letter no. A(E)/A3/2024/1/1 dated 20.02.2024 & 24.02.2024 along with Annexure on the above subject.
The scheduled for CBT Appendix-3(IREM) Examination mentioned in the Annexure-A has been changed due to General elections to Lok Sabha & Legislative assemblies. The new examination date in Para 2.1 of notification may be read as
“2.1 The Examination will be held from 18.06.2024 to 19.06.2024 in two shifts as per the programme given in Annexure ‘X’. “
Modified Annexure X is enclosed herewith.
Encl: As above.
(Rajat Agarwal)
Joint Director Finance (CCA),
Railway Board
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