Ministry of Railways provides clarification on pay fixation for running staff promotion
The Ministry of Railways, Government of India, has issued a clarification regarding the fixation of pay for running staff who are promoted to non-running posts through general selection. The clarification states that the 30% pay element for running staff is not applicable in such cases, as the general selection is voluntary and the mode of pay fixation is known to the staff. The clarification has been issued in consultation with the Establishment and Finance Directorates of the Railway Board.
Railway Board
No. E(P&A)II/2022/RS-2
RBE No. 7 /2023
New Delhi, dt. 20.02.2023
The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
Sub: Fixation of pay of running staff on promotion to the ‘General Posts’- clarifications-reg.
References from Zonal Railways and NFIR have been received in Board’s office seeking clarifications regarding reckoning of 30% pay element for fixation of pay of such Running Staff who have been selected to the Stationary Post i.e non-running post upon promotion through General Selection.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Establishment and Finance Directorate(s) of Railway Board. It is advised that in absence of specific orders from the Board to this effect, the benefit of reckoning of 30% pay element for the purpose of fixation of pay of running staff on their promotion/appointment to the posts filled through General Section is not admissible. Further, the General Selection is voluntary in nature and the concerned staff are aware of the mode of fixation of pay on promotion/appointment to a post under General Selection. Hence in such cases, pay fixation has to be effected without taking into account the ‘pay element’.
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
4. Hindi version is enclosed.
Director, Estt.(P&A)
Railway Board