Railway Order – 7th Pay Commission Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance
PC-VII No.84
RBE No.202
New Delhi,dt.26.12.2017
The General Managers.Pr.Financial Advisors
All Indian Railways & Production Units incl. RDSO,
(As per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance- Recommendations of the Seventh (7th) Central Pay commission.
consolidated guidelines on ‘Deputation’ have been issued by DOP&T vide their O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt(Pay-II) dated 17-06-2010 followed by various clarifications which have been adopted/circulated on the Railways vide Board’s letter No.2010/F(E)II/I(I)/I dated 28.07.2010, 28.06.2013, 21.04.2016 & 19.06.2017
2. consequent upon acceptance of the Recommendations of the Seventh (7th) central Pay Commission, DOP&T have issued their instructions vide their O.M.No.2/11/2017-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 24.11.2017 amending the rate of Deputation (Duty) Allowance and the related conditions as contained in para-6.1 of DOP&T’s O.M. dated 17.06.2010. Accordingly, Para-4 of above O.M.dated 24.11.2017 shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also.
3. A copy of these instructions is sent herewith for information/guidance, which shall take effect from 1st July,2017.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
(amir chand Jain)
Dy.Director Finance(Estt.)
Railway Board.