controlling Officers for the purpose of Travelling Allowance (RBE No.194/2008)
Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBE No.194/2018
New Delhi, dt.14.12.2018
The General Managers (P)/CAOs,
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per Mailing list)
Sub: controlling Officers for the purpose of Travelling Allowance.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the president is pleased to direct that Rule 1697 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.II, Sixth Edition-1987 (second Reprint, 2005) may be amended as in the enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.62.
(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy.Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board
Rule 1697 of IREC Vol.II (Second Reprint,2005) may be read as under.
“General Managers/Divisional Railway Managers and Heads of the Departments shall be their own Controlling Officers. All Officers holding substantive post of Senior Scale (Level-11 in 7th CPC Pay Matrix/PB-3 + Grade Pay Rs.6600/-, Pre-revised) shall be their own controlling Officers for countersignature on TA journals. A Head of Department may declare what authorities subordinate to him shall be the Controlling Officers, for the purpose of travelling allowance of railway servants or classes of railway servants employed under him. No authority shall be declared by him to be his own controlling officer without the previous sanction of the Ministry Of Railways.”