Railway Order – Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) -procedure reg (RBE No.54/2019)
RBE No.54/2019
New Delhi, dated 20.03.2019
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
Chairpersons/ Railway Recruitment Board (RRBs).
Chairpersons/ Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs).
Sub: Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) -procedure regarding.
Ref: Board’s letter of even no. dated 11.03.2019 (RBE No 48/2019).
Vide Board’s letter under reference above, certain instructions of RBE No. 102/2018 dated 18.07.2018 were modified and it was stipulated inter alga that the number of candidates to be called for Document Verification (DV) shall be 1.2 times the number of vacancies. Some Zonal Railways have urged for a review on the need for any additional candidates at all beyond the notified number to be called for DV and medical examination. Based on absentee figures during DV for the last such recruitment exercise, the matter has further been reviewed. It has now been decided in modification to paras 1(ii) & (iii) of the letter under reference (RBE No.48/2019) that the number of candidates to be called for DV shall be 1.05 times the number of notified vacancies (i.e. number of extra candidates to be called for DV shall be 5% beyond the number of notified vacancies). Any such additional candidates who qualify in DV and medical examination will figure as ‘standby’ in the event of shortage from main panel. To cater to more than 5% absenteeism/non-qualification in DV & Medical Examination, Railway will quickly go down the merit list of PET-qualified candidates to the required extent only.
2. This issues with the approval of Board (MS).
3. Hindi version will follow.
(S. Balachandra lyer)
Executive Director Estt,(N)
Railway Board.