Railway Order – Filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors
RBE No. 198/1992
dated 25-11-1992
Subject :- Filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors.
The problem of filling up the posts of Loco Running Supervisors on account of drop in emoluments of running staff on coming over as Loco Running Supervisors has been engaging attention of Railway Board for quite some time. This issue was raised by the recognised labour federations, viz.. National Federation of Indian Railwaymen and All India Railwaymen’s Federation in the Department Council meeting on 19th/20lh December, 1989 also. Consequent upon the second report of the Committee of the Departmental Council (JCM) set up to consider the issue, the Ministry of Railways have taken the following decisions in consultation with the recognised labour federations, viz., NFIR and AIRF.
2. The decisions communicated herein take effect from 1st January 1993.
3. Filling up the posts of Loco Inspectors, Power Controllers, Crew Controllers, ALF and LF:
3.1 The posts of Loco Inspectors, Crew Controllers and Power Controllers will be exclusively filled only from the Loco Running Side. The posts of ALF and LF will be exclusively filled from the loco maintenance side.
3.2 Loco Inspectors will be required to perform, inter alia, duties directly connected with the training and monitoring of loco running staff on foot-plate of the locomotive cab of the moving trains. The other duties to the performed by these staff shall generally be as per the duties list drawn at Annexures ‘A’ and ‘B’ and shall also include any other duties assigned by the respective Railways/divisions taking into consideration the local conditions.
3.3 With the prescribing of the duty list as above, there would be no separate category of Fuel Inspectors and the category will be merged with Loco Inspectors.
3.4 There shall be a common selection from the Loco Running Side for filling up the posts of Loco Inspectors, Crew Controllers and Power Controllers in grade Rs. 2000-3200. The staff will be drawn from the following categories:
i. Mail/Express Driver (Rs. 1640-2900)
ii. Passenger Driver (Rs. 1600-2660)
iii. Goods Driver (Rs. 1350-2200) with at least five years experience as Driver.
3.5 From the common panel as at 3.4 above, staff to the extent required will be initially posted as Power Controller/Crew Controller in grade Rs. 2000-3200 where after they will be deployed as Loco Inspectors in this grade. Similar methodology will be followed for placement in higher grade, viz. ,Rs. 2375-3500 for the Chief Power Controllers/ Chief Crew Controllers/ Senior Loco Inspectors after making out the select list as per procedure, by considering those in these categories in grade Rs. 2000-3200. No person shall, however, be posted as Power Controller/ Crew Controller during the last two years of his service, and during this period, he would be compulsorily posted as Loco Inspector even by posting Loco Inspectors as Power Controllers/ Crew Controllers. In case, this is not arranged, the employee will have the right to report to the DRM/ Head of Department for posting in Loco Inspector’s category when just one and a half years of service is left and it would be obligatory on the competent authority to do so.
3.6 The medical standards for selection in the combined seniority group of Power Controllers/ Crew Controllers and Loco Inspectors must conform to the existing medical standards stipulated for Loco Inspectors.
3.7 The post of Assistant Loco Foreman (ALF) and Loco Foreman (LF) will henceforth be filled from the maintenance categories only. Medically decategorised Loco Running Staff should also be fitted in these categories subject to fulfilling the medical standards prescribed for these posts. Even Loco Running Staff could be made eligible for these posts if they so desire and if considered feasible by the General Managers in consultation with the recognised Unions. In such a case, these running staff will not be eligible for any further benefits as per paras 4 and 5.
4. Pay fixation on posting as Power Controller, Crew Controller and Loco Inspector.
4.1 The extant provisions of fixation by adding an element of 30% of basic pay in running category would continue to be applicable. However, a running staff initially posted as Power Controller and later shifted as Loco Inspector will get this benefit only once.
5. Allowances and retirement benefits for Loco Inspectors.
5.1 The Loco Inspectors, irrespective of their grade, shall be credited with actual foot plate duties as indicated in the Rule 1514 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, as amended by Advance Correction Slip No. 21 and paid Running Allowance accordingly at the rate to be notified from time to time and as applicable to Mail/Express Drivers. At present, this rate is Rs. 36.10 per hundred kilometres.
5.2 The Loco Inspectors shall be given an Allowance in Lieu of Kilometrage (ALK) at the rate of 160 kilometres per day for other than foot plate duties performed by them outside their headquarters beyond a radius of 8 kilometres.
5.3 Where the Loco Inspectors are deployed for other than foot plate duties at outstations for part of the day and also on foot plate duties for another part of the same day, payment of Kilometrage Allowance shall be made either in terms of para 5.1 or para 5.2 above, whichever is higher.
5.4 No TA/DA shall be admissible to Loco Inspectors.
5.5 For the purpose of pensionary benefits, the basic pay shall also include, with effect from 1.1.1993, an add-on element of 30% of basic pay in the case of Loco Inspectors. If a Loco Inspector retires before completing a period of 10 months under this Scheme, he shall be permitted the benefit of add-on element to basic pay on a pro-rata basis depending on the actual period of service under the Scheme. The benefit of add-on element to basic pay shall not be admissible for any purpose other than computation of pensionary benefits.
5.6 No other special allowance sanctioned specifically only for staff in running categories will be admissible unless granted by an express order of Railway Board.
6. Special Pay for Power Controllers.
6.1 Power Controller/ Crew Controller in both the grades shall be entitled to a Special Pay to the extent of Rs. 300 per month with effect from 1.1.1993 for the duration they work as such. The benefits envisaged in para 5 admissible to Loco Inspectors shall not be available to Power Controllers Crew Controllers.
6.2 The Special Pay as indicated supra shall not be reckoned for the purposes of Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Compensatory (City) Allowance, Pensions and other retirement benefits, etc. as per extant rules.
7. Introduction of the new Scheme :
7.1 The designation of the various posts of Inspectors should be gone into by the Zonal Railways and action should be taken to adopt only the standard designations of Power Controller, Crew Controller and Loco Inspectors. The duties being performed should be analysed and redesignation of posts suitably made to fall in line with the duties being envisaged. For example, in some Railways, there are posts of ALF (Running) whose designations in future may have to be changed as Crew Controller.
7.2 It is necessary to avoid the designation of Loco Inspectors for any posts other than the ones for which the duty lists as attached would be applicable.
7.3 The designations of Loco Inspectors, Power Controllers and Crew Controllers will also be adopted for Electric Traction for corresponding nature of duties.
8. Implementation of the Scheme :
8.1 The Scheme will be effective from 1.1.1993.
8.2 The cadres of Loco Inspectors, Power Controllers and Crew Controllers shall stand merged from the above date. The seniority in the merged cadres will be on the basis of the date of regular entry in the respective grade, i.e., Rs. 2000-3200 or Rs. 2375-3500.
8.3 Loco Inspectors :—Any existing Loco Inspector belonging to non-running side shall be repatriated to his parent cadre and adjusted on maintenance side in any equivalent capacity according to his seniority.
8.4 Power Controllers :—Existing Power Controllers and Crew Controllers who are drawn from loco running side and opting for the new Scheme, who are 56 years or more in age, shall be given preference even over their seniors and posted as Loco Inspectors. This provision will also be applicable to Chief Power Controller.
The existing Power Controllers drawn from non-running side as well as medically decategorised running staff shall be given the option to either continue as Power Controllers on existing terms and conditions or to get posted on maintenance side as ALF/LF. Those who opt to remain as Power Controller/Crew Controller will not be eligible for the Special Pay being specifically sanctioned for the running staff to be posted as Power Controller. They will also not be eligible to be considered for posting as Loco Inspectors. However, they will be considered for promotion in the higher grade of power Controller/Crew Controller in case they are in grade Rs. 2000-3200 and as per the notional seniority vis-à-vis the unified seniority.
8.5 Such of the existing ALFs/LFs who have been drafted from running categories but who have been posted as ALFs/LFs other than on medical decategorisation will be posted as Power Controllers/ Crew Controllers/ Loco Inspectors, if they opt for the new Scheme. In case, they are not willing, they may continue as ALFs/LFs. ALFs/LFs, including those drawn from loco running side shall not be entitled to the additional benefits admissible to Power Controller/ Crew Controller and Loco Inspectors (like the Special Pay to Power Controllers, Crew Controllers and benefits in para 5 for Loco Inspectors) proposed in this new Scheme. Option once exercised will be final.
9. Options mentioned above should be obtained before 1.1.1993 to enable the introduction of the Scheme from this date.
10. All other relevant extant instructions which have not been modified by the above provisions would continue to apply.
11. This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Diesel and Steam Traction)
The duties of Loco Inspector are summarised as under:
(i) Inspection
(ii) Field Work
(iii) General
I.Inspection :
1. Locomotive foot-plate inspections, for monitoring performance of Locomotives and Crews including follow-up of observations.
2. Joint Signal Sighting with TIs and SIs of the division as per instructions laid down.
3. Running room inspection
4. Running Shed inspection including crew booking office.
5. Surprise night inspection as ordered by concerned officers.
6. Check on wastage, spillage, misuse or pilferage of oil/coal.
7. Ensure proper filling up to CTRs by checking books and log sheets.
8. Surprise checks on fuel installation periodically, including installation on other divisions.
9. Keep an eye on the work of the fuel statistical and accounting staff to ensure that accounts are correctly maintained and returns are submitted on due dates.
10.Carry out surprise checks on the incoming and outgoing balance in loco tanks, with the respective fuel vouchers.
11. Ensure that proper samples are drawn for laboratory tests as per the procedure laid down.
II. Field Work (on line):
1. Carry out load, speed, lube oil, intersection running time, braking distance load factor trials as and when necessary and trials of engines reporting, rough hunting, lurching, etc.
2. To carry out safety and punctuality drives as and when launched by the division.
3. Checking the performance of engine crews and guiding them in the correct method of handling of locomotive, keeping a watch on punctuality losses of ( Mail/Express trains on loco account and taking remedial action.
4. Checking of brake power of trains and irregularities connected therewith.
5. Training drivers on main line and ghat sections and educating them in trouble shooting and in dealing with breakdowns and accidents.
6. To report any irregularities noticed affecting safe and efficient working of trains.
7. To carry out examination of engines failed on line and prepare detailed investigation report in coordination with maintenance supervisors.
8. Testing of loco running staff in G&SR, engine-manship and breakdown tests.
9.To accompany and monitor the trains carrying VIPs.
10.Watch the performance of locomotives and crew in comparison with the trip ration fixed and take corrective action by duly analysing the cause for excess consumption. Educate the drivers for observing fuel economy.
11.Any special drives and trials as ordered by headquarters/division.
Field Work (in sheds):
1.To follow up attention to repairs on locomotives subsequently in shed after completing fool-plate inspection to improve the performance reliability of locomotive.
2. Coordinate with maintenance staff to give proper attention of the safety fittings on the locomotive.
3. Check and eliminate cases of unnecessary detention to engines and crews in loco shed and in traffic yards before and after working trains.
4. Checking up records maintained in crew booking office including breath analyser equipment for proper functioning and usage.
5.Periodic checking of driver’s personal equipment and stores.
6.Checking relief train arrangements and its equipments.
7.To associate with training school and ensure the trouble shooting aspects that are taught in the classes are relevant to existing problems. Education of running staff regarding enginemanship – Engine failure and breakdowns.
8.Control over lubricating oil consumption and the consumption is closely watched and the locos heavy in lube oil consumption are monitored and defects rectified (Diesel Traction).
9.Close contact with power controllers to deal with day to day mechanical and crew problems connected to train operation.
10.Scrutiny of power plan, engine and crew links and time table before and after publication of time table, for their correctness.
11.Periodically check the accuracy of flowmeters, calibration of storage tanks and fuel oil tanks/glowrods of locomotives.
12.Ensure cleaning of loco fuel tanks and storage tanks as per prescribed periodicity.
13.Verification of fuel oil accountal and drain oil accountal.
14.Check on the proper maintenance of documents in connection with tank wagon movements, detention in shed, short/excess sample.
15.Supervising the loading and slacking of coal and checking quality of coal.
III. General:
1.Conducting of DAR enquiries and attending any other enquiries ordered by officers.
2.Ensure headquarters/ Railway Board’s statements pertaining to engine performance, stalling cases are put up to concerned officers in time.
3.Watch over implementation of 10-Hour Rule to running staff.
4.Attending meetings, viz.. Mechanical, statistics, safety, etc.
5.Attend fuel economy meetings in headquarters office and implement headquarters directives/instructions.
6.Fixing of trip rations.
7.To perform any other duties that may be given from time to time by officers of Diesel/ Steam Sheds and other officers of the administration.
(Electric Traction)
The duties of Loco Inspector (Electric Traction) are summarised as under :
I. Inspection:
1.Foot plate inspection during day and night to check abnormalities on line and rectification of the same through concerned departments.
2. Inspection of running room allotted to him regarding facilities available for running staff.
3. To conduct ambush checks in automatic signalling territory to see whether the drivers are following relevant rules as laid down in GR and SR book.
4.Surprise inspection of outpits, crew booking officers, including breath analyser equipment for proper functioning and usage and to check that proper procedure is followed.
5.Inspect locomotives allotted to him particularly in regard to safety items including proper functioning of flasher lights etc. and take necessary action to get the defects attended to by the home or outstation shed as convenient.
6.Check wastage, spillage, misuse or pilferage of lubricating oil/grease etc.
7.Joint checking of emergency telephone sets provided on electric locos with supervisors of S&T Department.
8.Periodic checking of drivers’ personal equipment and stores.
II.Filed Work (on line):
1.Plan out in advance and train drivers and other running staff to ‘learn the road’ and become fully familiar with all the signal, specially auto-signalling sections and layout of the track, enroute and in yards; test the running staff for their knowledge of road and arrange for issue of competency certificate to them.
2.Train, running staff in the correct methods of trouble shooting, correct manner of operation of electric locomotives, inspection of locomotives in accordance with the prescribed instructions and observance of safe working rules. Train, running staff about new modifications carried out in electric loco circuitory which affect sequence and method of trouble shooting.
3.Carry out load, speed checks, intersection running time, braking distance, signal visibility checks (joint inspection with S&T Department), riding quality checks of locomotives, test staff of other departments as prescribed for their knowledge of rules applicable to operation of electric locos for reporting to Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE (RS-O) if any irregularities are noticed.
4.conduct vacuum/air brake application test of the new drivers after training.
5.To train drivers of poor calibre allotted to him by giving intensive training on line and in exceptional cases when a person fails to make the grade, submit reports to Sr. DEE(RS-O).
6.Conduct trials for energy conservations, wheel flange lubrications of new stock, modifications, heavy haul trains with maintenance staff.
7.To improve driving skill of drivers by adopting latest methods of energy conservations.
8.Foot plating Mail/Express trains to make up lost time (to the maximum permissible limits) lost due to loco defects or other account.
9.Conducting punctuality drives to ensure punctual running of Mail/Express and slow passenger trains and counsel drivers to make up time without violating maximum permissible speed.
10.To arrange issue of competency certificate to running staff for working in automatic signalling sections after giving them one day intensive training and after testing their knowledge.
11.Test check the correctness of the speedometers on the run and arrange for attention to defective speedometer by the shed staff as required.
12.Arrange timely renewal of speedometer charts and sealing of speedometers.
13. Scrutinise speedometers charts removed from locomotives and report to superiors, if any overspeeding or other irregularities are noticed. 100 percent scrutiny of charts from Mail/Express and Passenger trains and 25 per cent of charts from goods trains should be carried out.
14.Escort VIP and other important/special trains.
15.Carry out any special drives and trials as directed by headquarters/ division.
16.Maintain records in respect of running staff allotted to his control indicating the training imparted, refresher and promotional courses gone through, knowledge of safety rules, knowledge of trouble shooting procedures etc.
17.Make a review of trouble shooting carried out by each driver and impart necessary guidance if any incorrect procedure or irregularity is brought to light.
18.To associate training school and ensure the trouble shooting aspects that are taught in the classes are relevant to the existing problems; education of running staff regarding locomanship – loco failure and breakdowns
III. Field work (with respect to maintenance sheds):
1.Monitoring faulty equipment prone to failure and consuming more lubricating oil and their follow up with sheds.
2.To check maintenance aspects of relays (including their proper sealings), contractors, rotating switches and other equipments for proper and trouble free working. Conduct and plan out in advance a driver to check provision of rain water protection and fire prevention measures in electric locos.
3.Coordinate with maintenance staff to give proper attention of the safety fittings on the locomotives.
4.Making joint check of loco failures, loco met with accident, brake power of trains losing time etc.
5.Maintain records for the locomotives allotted to him in respect of inspections, defects developing from time to time and report to superiors as required.
6.To conduct/coordinate fact-finding enquiries for DAR, investigate cases of accidents involving electric locos, loco failures, train parting, over shooting or signals or breach of block rules.
7.Check and eliminate cases of unnecessary detention to locomotives and crews in loco sheds and in traffic yards before and after working trains.
General :
1.To prepare efficient and effective links for Mail/Express trains for electric locos and drivers getting maximum utilisation of assets without violating adjudicator’s award. Scrutinise power plan, passenger links, crew links and time table before and after publication of time table for their correctness.
2.Attending electric loco failures, safety and statistics meetings in headquarters/ divisions; issuing guidelines to the drivers for improving reliability, safety and maximum utilisation of locos.
3.Ensure headquarters/Railway Board’s statements pertaining to electric locos performance, stalling cases etc. are submitted in time.
4.Watch over implementation of ’10 Hour’ Rule to running staff.
5.Close contact with Power Controllers/CTLC to deal with day to day electrical and crew problems connected with train operation.
6.Conducting group discussions with running staff for tackling the constraints faced by other staff and finding their solutions.
Source: Comptran.railnet.gov.in