Exposed to special training modules on soft skills as announced Railways
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. E(MPP)/2015/3/8
General Managers
All Indian Railways
RBE No. 93/2015
New Delhi, dated 19.03.2015
Sub:- Special Training Module on Soft Skills
Zonal Railways are aware that training on customer care to frontline staff of all Indian Railways was being imparted at the customer care Training centre, New Delhi and other Zonal Railway Training Institutes.
In the context ol providing greater thrust towards customer satisfaction and the need to focus on customer as our principle client, it has been decided that all frontline staffdirectly dealing with customers, should be exposed to special training modules on soft skills as announced in Budget 2015-16.
Accordingly, all General Managers are advised to arrange this training. In case necessary, tie up with professional Training Institutions/Soft Skill Experts etc., can be resorted to for starting soft skills training for all frontline staff. Necessary tie up as mentioned above may be finalized within a month and training on soft skills be started immediately thereafter. No exemption should be granted from attendance in this training programme.
As regards batch size, the minimum batch size should be 30, however wherever more number is proposed to be covered in a batch, the same should be decided in consultation with the Trainer. This training should be started in Zonal Railway Training Institutes or MultiDisciplinary Training Centres or other Main Training Centres, wherever lrontline staff are being sent for initial/refresher courses. The soft skill training programme should be for a minimum duration of 3 days. Once the training partner is decided and the training on soft
skill started, a copy of the same may be endorsed to Railway Board for information and record.
As regards the number of trainees who have been trained, a monthly statement showing the categories of frontline staff and the number trained per month will have to be sent to the Board on a continuing basis till all frontline staff are covered.
Kindly acknowledge receipt olthis letter
Executive Director (Trg.&MPP)
Railway Board