Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways—Reg. posting of Safety Counsellors
The Government of India, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board has issued a notification (No. 2017/Safety(DM)/19/1) regarding the strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways. In a recent meeting held on 17.05.2023, the Board decided that one Safety Counsellor from any department should be posted exclusively at the ART (Accident Relief Train) location, if it is situated at places other than the Divisional Headquarters. As a result, Zonal Railways have been instructed to promptly appoint an additional Safety Counsellor from any department at ART locations, in accordance with the Board’s decision.
New Delhi, dated, 12.06.2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways.
Sub: Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways—Reg. posting of Safety Counsellors.
The issue of strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways was recently considered by the full Board in its meeting held on 17.05.2023, wherein the Board decided that one Safety Counsellor from any department shall be posted exclusively at the ART location, if the ART is located at places other than Divisional HQ.
In view of the above, Zonal Railways are advised to take immediate action for posting of one additional Safety Counsellor from any department at ART locations, as per decision of the full Board.
(Tej Prakash Agrawal)
Railway Board