Payment of Over Time Allowances(OTA) in the revise pay to the Employees
No. Pay/Tech-II/73
Date: – 12/04/2018
1) All Controller of Finance & Accounts (Fys)
2) All Br. AOs
Sub: Payment of Over Time Allowances(OTA) in the revise pay to the employees of Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act.1948.
MoD No 13(3)/2016/D(Civ-II) dated 26.02.2018, received under OFB, Kolkata letter bearing No. 525/Genl/Per/Policy(VI) dated 19.03.2018 regarding payment of Overtime Allowance to the employees of the Defence Industrial Establishment governed by the Factory Act, 1948 on the basis of revised wages with effect from the date the wages have been revised i.e. 01.01.2016 subject to the conditions mentioned therein, is forwarded herewith for further necessary action at your end.
Further, in case of the OT element of Piece Workers in respect of Overtime upto 9 hours a day or 48 hours in a week is to be worked out on the basis of Piece Work Correlation on 6th CPC pay scale till finalization of the same on revised pay structure.