Revision of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to Employees of Defence Industrial Establishments under Factories Act, 1948 consequent to implementation of VII CPC recommendations
PC to F.No.13(3)/2016/D(Civ-II)
Government Of India
Ministry Of Defence
Department of Defence
D (Civ-II) Section
B Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated, the 19th April, 2017
Subject: Revision of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to Employees of Defence Industrial Establishments under Factories Act, 1948 consequent to implementation of VII CPC recommendations.
The undersigned is directed to say that the issue of revision of OTA to the employees of Defence Industrial Establishments governed by Factories Act, 1948 was taken up with Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoL&E). In this connection this Ministry’s file No.13(3)/2016/D(civ-II) was referred to MoL&E on 23.02.2017. However, the views/opinions of MoL&E on the matter have not been received so far.
2. It is therefore, requested that the present status of the above issue may be intimated to this Ministry.
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tele No.23014675