Telangana Government order issued – Imposition of Lockdown from 12.05.2021 till 22.05.2021
COVID-19 — Disaster Management Act, 2005 — Imposition of Lockdown from 12.05.2021 till 22.05.2021 — Orders — Issued
Dated 11.05.2021
Read the following:
1. Disaster Management Act, 2005
2. G.O.Ms.No.87, General Administration Department Dt. 20.04.2021
3. G.O.Ms.No.91, General Administration Department Dt.30.04.2021
In reference 2nd and 3rd read above, orders were issued imposing night curfew with a view to controlling the spread of Covid-19. The situation has been reviewed and Government is satisfied that it is expedient to impose additional restrictions to control and contain the spread of Covid-19. Accordingly, it is decided to impose a Lockdown across the State of Telangana from 10.00 AM on 12.05.2021 to 6.00 AM on 22.05.2021 with the following stipulations.
2. There shall be complete Lockdown in all parts of the State from 10.00 AM to 6.00 AM of the following day for a period of 10 days. The lockdown restrictions shall not apply during the period from 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM every day.
3. During the above mentioned period, the following regulations and measures shall be enforced:
i. Passenger vehicles shall be regulated on the State borders. However, movement of commodities shall be permitted without any restrictions.
ii. All public transport services including TSRTC buses, SETWIN, Hyderabad Metro, taxis, auto rickshaws, will be permitted from 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM only. However, movement of health care workers and passengers for accessing emergency medical services shall be permitted.
iii. Operation of all Inter-State bus and transport services including those by private operators shall stand suspended.
iv. Every person who is required to observe home isolation shall strictly observe the same failing which he / she will be liable for penal action and shifted to Government isolation facility.
v. All Government, as well as private establishments shall make payments of wages/ salaries fully to the workers / employees including those working under contract and outsourcing basis during the above period. Any violation will be viewed seriously and will invite penal action under relevant Act(s).
vi. Marriage related gatherings (in case of marriages already fixed) shall ensure social distancing, wearing of face mask and other Covid related protocols, with the maximum number of persons allowed not exceeding 40.
vii. Funeral / last rites gatherings shall ensure social distancing, wearing of face mask and other Covid related protocols, with the maximum number of persons allowed not exceeding 20.
viii. All religious places/places of worship shall be closed for public worship. Religious gatherings/congregations shall not be permitted.
ix. All Anganwadi Centres shall remain closed. Children and pregnant women /lactating mothers will be provided take home ration during this period.
x. All pregnant women who are expected to deliver during the period will be listed, monitored and assisted by medical staff to ensure institutional delivery.
xi. Temporary police check posts shall be set up at suitable locations to ensure strict compliance of the above orders.
4. Permitted activities: The following activities, including movement of personnel and goods associated with these activities, shall be exempted from lockdown restrictions and will be permitted during the said period, subject to compliance with Covid appropriate behavior like social distancing, wearing of face mask and other Covid related protocols:
i. Medical services like hospital and diagnostic centers, including vaccination and related activities
ii. Agriculture and related operations
iii. Production, sale and supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides/insecticides, agricultural implements and spare parts etc. and movement of these items including those of harvesters, transplanters, tractors etc
iv. Procurement operations of agricultural and horticultural produce, including operation of rice mills, movement of produce and hamalies
v. Cold storage and warehouses
vi. Medical shops and pharmacies
vii. Manufacturing activity relating to drugs and medical equipment
viii. Movement of medicine, oxygen, vaccine etc
ix. Essential services like production and distribution of power, supply of drinking water
x. Sanitation services in Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies
xi. MGNREGA works
xii. Petrol pumps located on National Highways (Petrol pumps located in places other than National Highways shall be open between 6.00 AM and 10.00 AM only)
xiii. Banks/ATMs, Insurance services and related activities
xiv. Print and electronic media
xv. Supply chain and transport of essential commodities, including milk, vegetables, groceries, dairy products etc.
xvi. All security services including those provided by private agencies
xvii. E-commerce (delivery) of goods and merchandise including food, pharmaceutical and medical equipment
xviii. IT and ITeS, including telecom, postal and internet services. However, in these sectors, work from home shall be encouraged to the maximum extent possible
xix. Movement and distribution of LPG cylinders.
xx. All construction and project activities, where workers are available in-situ or in secured labour camps
5. Prohibited activities: Cinema halls, amusement parks, clubs, swimming pools, gymnasiums shall be completely closed during the prescribed period.
6. Government establishments:
A. The following Department(s) / Offices of the State Government shall be fully functional:
i. Health, Medical and Family Welfare
ii. Police Department
iii. Urban Local Bodies / Panchayat Raj Institutions
iv. Fire
v. Electricity and water supply
vi. Taxation, Excise, Commercial Tax, Transport, along with the societies and corporations
vii. Agriculture, Horticulture and allied departments
viii. Civil Supplies department
ix. All staff and officers drafted for Covid-19 related activities
x. Such other offices as may be notified by the Government from time to time
B. All other offices shall function with 33% strength as per the roster drawn by the Heads of offices. All Central Government offices shall also function with the strength not exceeding 33%.
7. A Committee under Prl. Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department with the following composition is set up to ensure availability of essential commodities throughout the State during the above period.
i Commissioner, Civil Supplies;
ii Commissioner, Transport;
iii Inspector General of Police, Hyderabad / Warangal
iv Director, Drug Control Administration;
v Director, Horticulture
vi Director, Marketing
vii Controller, Legal Meterology
viii Managing Director, Dairy Development Cooperative Federation
8. Any violation of the aforesaid instructions shall result in prosecution under Sections 51 to 60 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Section 188 of IPC as well as other applicable laws.
9. No suit or legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything done or intended to be done in good faith under these regulations.
10. In exercise of powers conferred under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee hereby issues directions to all Collectors & District Magistrates and Commissioner(s) / Superintendent(s) of Police in the State to strictly implement the above instructions.