Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) of the Haryana State Government
Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana,
Finance Department
- All Heads of Departments
- All Commissioners of Divisions
- All the Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Officers (Civil)
- The Registrar, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh
Memo No.: 2/32/2012-1Pension(FD)
Dated: Chandigarh, the 05.12.2022
Subject: Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) of the State Government.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to invite your kind attention to the Finance Department’s Notification No.1/1/2004-1Pension Dated 18.08.2008 wherein the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (Haryana New Pension Scheme, 2008) for the State Government employees appointed on or after 01.01.2006 was notified and further relevant instructions/Guidelines issued vide letter No. 1/1/2004-1Pension dated 04.12.2008 and others from time to time. Instructions were also issued vide letter No. 2/47/2007-1Pension (FD) dated 22.06.2020, 27.01.2022, 20.10.2022 & 16.11.2022 and letter No 2/32/2012-1Pension (FD) Dated 17/21.2.2022 & 10.10.2022 on the subject cited above.
The instructions were also issued by Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE) vide letter No. 30/3/2009/Acctt/HBPE (FD) dated 18.03.2009 in relation to introduction of Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS) in respect of employees of State Public Enterprises.
State Government has already adopted the New Choices of the Pension Funds Manager (PFMs) and Choices of Investment Pattern, in respect of Government Employees, as introduced by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority, New Delhi (PFRDA), vide letter No.2/32/2012- 1Pension(FD) dated 17/21.02.2022 and 10.10.2022 respectively.
Now, after due consideration, it has been decided by the State Government to extend the benefits of above instructions to the employees of Boards / Corporations / Universities / Autonomous Bodies / Aided Institutions, as per detail below:-
Sr.No | Instructions No. & Date | Purpose |
1 | 2/32/2012-1 Pension (FD) Dated 17/21.02.2022 | For new choices of the pension Funds Manager (PFMs) in the Tier-I of the NPS |
2 | 2/32/2012-1 Pension(FD) Dated 10.10.2022 | For choices of Investment Pattern in the Tier-I of the NPs |
You are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of employees working under your control.
The above instruction can be downloaded from the website of Finance Department
Yours faithfully,
Chief Account Officer (Pension)
for Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana
Finance Department