Exemption submit for Life Certificate, Non-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage/Non-marriage Certificate
Government of Tamil Nadu
G.O.Ms.No.288, Dated 29th June 2020.
(Saarvari, Aani-15, ThiruvalluvarAandu-2051)
PENSION/FAMILY PENSION – Furnishing of Life Certificate, Non-employment Certificate and Non-remarriage/Non-marriage Certificate by the Pensioners / Family Pensioners – Exemption from Annual Mustering Process for the year 2020 as a special case due to Covid-19 – Orders – Issued.
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.212, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 24-05-2001.
2. G.O.Ms.No.103, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 31-03-2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.215, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 26-03-2020.
4. From the Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai-35
D.O.Rc.No.008436/E2/2020, dated 10-06-2020.
In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued that State Government Pensioner including Family Pensioners shall furnish Life Certificate, Non-Employment Certificate and Non-remarriage/ Non-marriage Certificate at any time during the months of April, May and June every year to the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned after duly getting it attested by the authority mentioned in the said Government Order. If the Pensioners / Family Pensioners do not furnish/produce the said Certificates on or before 30th June, the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned shall call for annual mustering of the Pensioners / Family Pensioners during the month of July every year. If the Pensioners / Family Pensioners neither produce said certificates nor appear for annual mustering, the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned shall stop the payment of pension / family pension with effect from the month of August and the payment of pension / family pension will resume only on production of the said certificates or the Pensioner / Family Pensioner shall appear in person before the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned. In the Government Order first read above, orders were issued that Pensioners including Family Pensioners shall furnish additional information along with Life Certificate. In the Government Order third read above, the Government in partial modification of the orders issued in the Government Orders first and second read above, direct that the State Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners be allowed to give their Life Certificate at any time during the months of July, August and September every year for annual mustering instead of April, May and June to the Pension Disbursing Officer concerned. If any pensioner including family pensioner fails to do so, the Pension Disbursing Authority shall call for the personal appearance in October and pension / family pension will be stopped from November onwards for those pensioners including family pensioners who neither appear directly for mustering nor furnish life certificate.
2.In the reference fourth read above, the Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts has stated that Treasury Rule 16, SR 71 (a) (1) and 78 (a) of TNTC Volume-I has mandated that Annual Mustering/ obtaining the life certificate from the pensioner / family pensioner to be carried out for the 3 specified months in a year by the pension disbursing authority and requested the Government that Annual Mustering Process may be exempted for the year 2020 as a special case due to Covid-19.
3. After careful consideration of the current extra-ordinary circumstances imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the fact that pensioners / Family Pensioners, being senior citizens, fall among the most vulnerable category with respect to risk of exposure to Covid-19, and there will be no loss to the Government, the Government accept the proposal of the Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts. Accordingly, the Government exempt the Annual Mustering Process for the year 2020 as a special case due to Covid-19 by relaxing S.R 67 (a) (1) and S.R 71(a)(1) of Tamil Nadu Treasury Rule 16.