Jammu and Kashmir Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/Family Pensioners July 2021
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Finance Department (Codes Division)
Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar
Subject:- Payment of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/Family Pensioners on revised rate effective from 01.07.2021.
Reference:- General Administration Department’s UO No.GAD-CORD/113/2021 DATED 01.08.2021.
Government Order No.204-F of 2021
Dated: 02-08-2021
In continuation to Government Order No. 457-F dated 24-10-2019, it is hereby ordered that Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be, allowed Dearness Allowance on Pension/Family Pension as under:-
Existing Rate of DA per month | Revised Rate of DA per month | With effect from |
17% of Basic Pension/Basic Family Pension | 28% of Basic Pension/Basic Family Pension | 01.07.2021 |
(i) The increase subsumes the additional installments arising on 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 and 01.01.2021.The rate of Dearness Allowance for the period from 01.01.2020 till 30.06.2021 shall remain at 17%.
(ii) The payment of Dearness Allowance involving a fraction of 50 paisa and above shall be rounded to the next higher rupee and the fraction of less than 50 paisa shall be ignored; and
(iii) Other provisions governing the grant of Dearness Allowance on pension/family pension such as the regulation of Dearness Allowance during employment/re-employment, where more than one pension is drawn etc. and other provisions of the existing rules/orders(as are not in conflict with provisions of the order), shall continue to remain in force.
By order of the Lieutenant Governor.
(Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta), IAS,
Financial Commissioner,
Finance Department.