Railway Order – Introduction of provision for writing of APAR of all Railway employees Working in PB-I, 5200-20200, GP Rs. 1900-Reg
RBE No.148/2014.
New Delhi dated 30/12/2014
The General Managers(P)
All Indian Railways & Production Units etc,
(As per standard list).
Sub: Introduction of provision for writing of APAR of all Railway employees Working in PB-I, 5200-20200, GP Rs. 1900-Regarding.
As the Railways are aware, in terms of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-81/CR/5 dated 30.09.1981 Annual Confidential Reports (ACR) {now renamed as Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR)} are at present written by the reporting authority on every Non-gazetted Railway servant as per the procedure being narrated in the letter ibid, except the following Railway employees:-
(a) Grade ‘D’, now upgraded as Grade ‘C’, railway servants in grade pay of Rs. 1800.
(b) The Railway servants in Grade Pay Rs. 1900
(c) Railway servants whose initial grade pay is higher than Rs. 1900 provided the next higher grade is a non-selection grade except in the case of highly skilled Artisan Staff for whom APAR shall be written for those in two grades below in selection grade.
2. Pursuant to directives of Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)/Chandigarh dated 10.04.2013 delivered in O.A. No. 1346-PB-2011, and of Hon’ble High Court Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh vide its judgment dated 18.09.2013 in CWP No. 20612 of 2013, the issue of initiation of APAR was considered by Railway Board for the left out categories mentioned above.
3. After consultation with the Railways [the] Board have considered the matter further. In partial modification of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-81/CR/5 dated 30.09.1981, it has now been decided that the concept of writing of APAR on all Non-gazetted Railway servants working in Group ‘C’ PB-I, 5200-20200 in Grade Pay Rs. 1900 & above be introduced on the zonal Railways. Consequently, APAR may henceforth be written for the categories mentioned in set (b) & (c). The proforma of APARs of these categories is enclosed herewith. For those in Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/-, the system of working reports as and when required will continue. The procedure of writing of APARs for those Railway servants for whom it is already written will remain unaltered.
Please acknowledge receipt.
DA: As above
(Arvind Kumar)
Executive Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board