Upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways
RBE No.45/2015
New Delhi, dated: 11/05/2015
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs);
Director General,National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIRY/Vadodra:and
Director,IRISET/Secundrabad,IRICEN/Pune,IRIEEN?Nasik & IRIM&EE/Jamalpur.
Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways.
In forms of Board’s letter of even number dated 10-05-1999 (RBE No.99/1999), an across the board relaxation of three years above the prescribed upper age limit in open market recruitment to all non-gazetted posts including engagement of substitutes on the railways has been provided. The currency of this relaxation contained in letter of even number dated 10.05.1999 (RBE No.99/1999) has been extended from time to time and was available up to 03.02.2015 in terms of RBE No.57/2012.
The matter has further been reviewed and it has now been decided by this Ministry to provide relaxation in the following manner above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all non-gazetted posts including engagement of substitutes:-
Sl.No |
Period |
Relaxation (in years) in upper age limit above the prescribed age limits for various posts |
I |
04-02-2015 to 03-02-2017 |
02 years |
II |
04-02-2017 to 03-02-2019 |
01 years |
Beyond 03-02-2019 |
No relaxation |
These orders take effect from 04.02.2015 Indents placed after 03.02.2015 may be suitably amended.
Please acknowledge receipt
(Hindi version will follow)
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.