Jammu Kashmir – Rationalization of pension structure for pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners
Civil Secretariat, Srinagar/Jammu
Government Order No: 222-F of 2018
Dated: 24.04.2018
Subject: Rationalization of pension structure for pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
Reference: Cabinet Decision No. 77/5/2018 dated 24.04.2018.
Sanction is accorded to the rationalization of pension structure w.e.f 01.01.2016 in the following manner:
1. These orders shall apply to all the pensionerslfamily pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension as on 31-12-2015.
2. In these orders:-
a. “Existing Pensioner” and “Existing Family Pensioner” shall mean a pensioner/family pensioner who was drawinglentitled to pension/ family pension on 31.12.2015.
b. “Existing Pension” shall mean the basic pension inclusive of commuted portion, if any, due on 31-12-2015. It covers all classes of pension under State Pension Rules.
c. “Existing Family Pension” shall mean the basic family Pension drawn on 31-12-2015. It covers all classes of pension under State Pension Rules.
3. With effect from 01-01-2016 the pension/family pension of existing pensioners/family pensioners will be calculated by following two formulations & then fixed under the formulation whichever is beneficial to the pensioner/ family pensioner:
Formulation-I: The existing pension/family pension shall be multiplied by factor 2.57 to arrive at the value of revised Pension1 revised Family Pension.
Formulation-II: In respect of existing pensioners/ family pensioners, pension may be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix in the level corresponding to the Pay Scale/ Pay Band & Grade Pay at which they retiredlor died. This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening pay revisions based on the formulae for revisions of pay. While fixing pay on notional basis, the pay fixation formulae approved by the State Government and other relevant instructions on the subject as where in force at the relevant time shall be strictly followed. With effect from 01.01.2016, 50% of notional pay shall be revised full pension for full qualifying service, and 30% of this notional pay shall be the revised family pension. In respect of family pensioners who were entitled to family pension at enhanced rate, the revised family pension at enhanced rate shall be 50% of notional pay arrived as on 01-01-2016 and shall be payable till the period upto which family pension at enhanced rate is admissible under rules.
Note: The pension of Government servants, who at the time of retirement have rendered qualifying service of 10 years or more but less than 20 years, will be in such proportion of the maximum admissible pension as the qualifying service rendered by them bears to maximum qualifying service of 20 years.
4. Concordance tables in respect of different Pay Scales/ Pay Bands indicating existing basic pension, family pension and the revised consolidated pension/family pension are enclosed as Annexure-I for convenience of pension disbursing authorities. However, in case of any inconsistency in the concordance table’s vis-a-vis the relevant rules/ instructions the notional pay & pension/ family pension may be fixed in accordance with the
applicable rules & instructions as issued from time to time. Besides, the concordance tables have been framed for full pension and in cases where the retired employee had less than the prescribed minimum qualifying service for full pension, the revised pension shall be fixed accordingly.
5. The Treasury Officers and/or the paying branches of J&K Bank wherefrom the state pensioners draw their pension shall pay pension/ family pension at the revised rates as per Formulation-I as an interim measure without waiting for any further authorization either from the Government or from the Jammu & Kashmir Bank. Where the bank feels any doubt in revising pension/family pension in any case, they should refer the matter to the concerned Treasury Officer for clarification. In the event of any doubt being felt by the Treasury Officer, the matter shall be referred to Finance Department for clarification. However, for revising the pension/ family pension as per Formulation-11, the formal pension revision authorization shall be issued by the Accountant General (A&E).
By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir
(Navin K Choudhary),IAS,
Principal Secretary to Government.
Finance Department.