7th CPC Revision of pension of pre 2016 pensioners: Meeting Minutes
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
New Delhi, dated the 10th October 2016
Subject: Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Committee set up to examine feasibility of implementation of recommendation of the 7th CPC for revision of pension of pre 2016 pensioners held on 06.10.2016 – reg.
The Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Committee set up to examine feasibility of implementation of recommendation of the 7th CPC for revision of pension of pre 2016 pensioners held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) with JCM (Staff Side) on 6.10.2016 at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi is hereby forwarded for information and further necessary action.
(Harjit Singh)
Director (Pension Policy)
Minutes of the meeting of the Committee set up to examine feasibility of implementation of recommendation of Seventh CPC for revision of pension of Pre-2016 pensioners held on 6.10.2016 at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi.
The 6th Meeting of the committee for examination of feasibility of implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners was held under the Chairmanship of Shri C, Viswanath, Secretary (Pension) on 6.10.2016 at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi This meeting was called for seeking the views of the Staff side of JCM on the feasibility of implementation of the first option for revision of pension of pre 2016 pensioners recommended by the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
2. The following were present from official side:
1.Sh. Ashok Kumar Dash, Member (Personnel), Department of Posts.
2.Ms. Santosh, Joint Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare,
3.Sh. Rozy Agarwal, Joint CGDA, Ministry of Defence,
4.Sh. R. K. Chaturvedi, Joint Secretary, Implementation Cell, Department of Expenditure,
5.Sh. Sanjay Singh, Chief Controller (Pension), CPAO (representing Controller General of Accounts).
6.Sh. Tanveer Ahmed, Executive Director, Railway Board (representing Member (Staff)).
3.The following were present from JCM ( staff side):
1.Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, JCM.
2.Shri Guman Singh, Member
3.Shri J. R. Bhosale, Member
4.Shri K.K.N, Kutty, Member
5.Shri C.Srikurnar. Member
6.Shri R.D. Gupta, Member
4. Welcoming Members of the Committee and the representatives of JCM (Staff Side), Secretary (Pension) requested Additional Secretary (Pension) to make a presentation.
5. In her presentation, Add! Secretary (Pension) brought out the position regarding the requirement of records and the factors which may affect the feasibility of arriving at the notional pay in Seventh CPC by counting increments in the last scale of pay as recommended by the Pay . Commission. She also mentioned about the anomalies that are likely to arise in the process. The presentation brought out the methodology adopted by the Committee to examine the feasibility of the first option and the finding of the Committee in this regard. She mentioned that the service records for increment method may not be available in around 18.3% of the cases. The difficulties in extracting the information from the records and determining the exact number of the increments for revision of pension under first option were explained. She indicated that the Committee has found that the alternative method of arriving at notional pay in Seventh CPC by applying formula for pay revision for serving employees in each Pay Commission and giving 50% of this as pension to be beneficial to all pensioners in comparison to the fitment method.
6. Thereafter, Secretary (Pension) requested the Members of the JCM (Staff Side) for their views on the feasibility of the first option.
7. The representative of the JCM (Staff side) mentioned that in their representation to the Seventh Commission, they had suggested revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners by notional Pay Fixation in each successive pay Commission period. However, the Pay Commission recommended the revision of pension by fixing the notional pay on the basis of increments earned in the last post
8. The JCM (Staff side) mentioned that the Cabinet has approved revision of pension by the first option (increment method), if its implementation is found feasible after examination by the Committee. They mentioned that in addition to the Service Book/ Personal File, the details of increments earned can be ascertained from the Gradation/Seniority List issued by the Departments from time to time. Therefore, one cannot say that the first option recommended by the Pay Commission is not feasible on the grounds of non-availability of records. In regard to the perceived anomalies, the Staff side stated that anomalies arose in implementation of the recommendations of all previous Pay Commissions. Such anomalies can always be rectified through the mechanism of Anomaly Committee.
9, On the alternate method of revision of pension by notional pay . fixation in each Pay Commission, the Staff side felt that the pensioners who are likely to get higher benefit by increments method may not accept revision ‘of pension by pay fixation method. This may, therefore, lead to litigation.
10. After detailed discussion, the staff side sought time to consider the alternate method of fixation of notional pay in each intervening Pay Commission for revision of pension as on 1.1.2016 before submitting their final views in this regard. It was, accordingly, decided to have another meeting with the JCM (Staff side) on 17.10.2016 at 10.00 A.M.
11. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
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7th CPC Revision of post-2016 pension cases
Implementation 7th Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Raju. k says
I’m, Raju as rigger (sk) , Industrial worker ,I,mworking non-industrial unit vizag, but not industrial benefits ,so I want industrial benefits, transfor, overtime dutes, rolls.
M.N.Hanumantharao says
If records are not available for 18.3% of pensioners how they are drawing pension? The committee may ask those pensoiners to give details if they have or the pension paying office/Bank can give details available with them and the committee can check if it is correct. The other 81% of pensioners whose records are available should not be kept as hostages. The committee cannot go back on the implementation as govt has accepted it.
Alternatively as usually done announce ,an interim relief to such pensioners pending finalization.. Many of the pensioners may not enjoy the benefit if the decision is delayed. Decision delayed means benefit denied.
V.r.patil says
option I pre 2016 pensioner band pay 22200+5400 pay scales 9300_34800 Dor 31_07 2012 pension works out rs 73400\2=36700-5520=31680 please correct or not
P G Nanekar says
CPAO, New Delhi has issued final pension authority after implementation of 6th CPC wherein they have indicated pay bend and grade pay as per 6th CPC. The said final CPAO authority provides important details required for implementing 1st option recommended by 7th CPC. There may be very few cases where some difficulty may arise but even in those cases Anomoly Committee can find solution. Under these circumstances there is no feasibility problem. The 7th CPC must have considered feasibility aspect as well while recommending first option. The effect of this recommendation is to bridge the wide gap that exists between pensions of two retirees who retired from same post decades apart.
I retired as Dy Manager of FCI ( Food Transferee ) on 31-3-1995 in the pay scale of Rs 3000-100-3500-125-4500.
1. As per LPC I drew Rs 4275/-
2. As per 6 CPC my basic pension was fixed
@ Rs 13238/-
3. My PPO (03687/95/0039/0 clearly shows
my last pay drawn and all official orders of
Such being the case how can the Secretaries committee can say that all particulars may not be available for us to exercise option I for prent 2016/2006 pensioners. The whole idea is to deprive the pensioners, the benefit of 7CPC recommendation.
Sir your letter is wonderfully drafted with relevant points. So kindly fight for achieving this. We stand by your side sir.