Extension of the benefit of bunching to Assistant Accounts Officers as per the recommendations of 7th CPC
No: – NFCAA/HQ/A-2/2017
Dated: 22.05.2017
Shri Anthony Lianzuala,
Controller General of Accounts,
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
4th Floor, GPOA, Block-E, INA,
New Delhi – 110023
Subject: – Extension of the benefit of bunching to Assistant Accounts Officers as per the recommendations of 7CPC.
I have been directed to draw your kind and personnel attention to the All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category-II letter No:- AICAEA Cat-II/CHQ/2017/27 dated 27.04.2017 (Copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject and state that, it is nearly eight months the Implementation Cell of Department of Expenditure vide order No:- 1-6/2016-IC dated 07.09.2016 has conveyed its decision to implement the recommendation of 7CPC regarding the bunching benefit to entitled employees and officers, but the Assistant Accounts Officers of Civil Accounts Organization have not yet been extended the benefit inspite of an order issued by your office in this respect. As such the Assistant Accounts Officers have become aggrieved due to non-receipt of their legitimately due benefit.
Therefore, on behalf of this federation, I seek your kind intervention into the matter so that the issue is settled at the earliest.
Four your kind and early favorable action this federation shall be highly thankful to you.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
(V. Bhattacharjee)
Secretary General
Source: N.F.C.A.A.
Amit says
When will it be implemented in CAG office? Please clarification is also required as to how to calculate the stages when difference is more than 3% say 9% or 12%? As implementing authorities are pessimistic when giving the benefits…