Regulating of Service Agreement-cum-Surety Bond Regime of Rs 02 lakhs as applicable on fresh Direct Recruits in KVS
18, Institutional Area, S.J.S.Marg, New Delhi-110016,
Tel.: 26858570 /Fax 26514179
Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in
F.No.11-AudOMisc (KVHQ)/14/2021/Audit/E.12213/399-32
Dated: 29.071021
By email/KVS website
The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Regional Office, Kolkata
Sub : Clarification on regulating of Service Agreement-cum-Surety Bond Regime of Rs 02 lakhs as applicable on fresh Direct Recruits in KVS-reg
This is with reference to your letter F.25044/2021/KVS(Kol)/Admn./673 dt 23.04.2021, seeking for clarification as to regulate the waiver of Rs 2 lakhs towards Service Agreement-cum-Surety Bond on technical resignation preferred by Sh Vivek Kumar, JSA, KV Garden Reach, so as to join the new Deptt of NCC, Govt of NCT of Delhi, as he had intimated the Principal on 26.2.2020 itself i.e. within one year of his joining the KVS on 01.2.2020.
2. As such, the matter of regulating the Bond regime in KVS has been examined in accordance with the provisions as contained in DoPT OM no. 28.21/1/84-Estt(C) dated 14.11.1984, as extended to Autonomous bodies, which comprehends that in case an employee of Central Govt/State Govt/PSEs/CABs who has originally executed any kind of Bond for a prescribed period with parent Department, seeks to join a new post in the Govt Sector (other than private employment) with proper permission (TPC)/intimation to the present employer within one year even for which he had applied before joining the department/organisation etc, he/she will be allowed to be relieved on technical resignation, if otherwise eligible, with the condition that the new department will be intimated to seek a fresh Bond from him/her for ensuring to serve the said new Deptt, at least for the balance period of service left in the previous department, failing which the proportionate amount towards uncovered portion of total prescribed service under original Bond, shall be recovered from the incumbent and refunded back to the first department with which original bond was executed. However, in case of resignation other than a technical formality, the proportionate amount for the residuary Bond period will be recovered from the outgoing employee before his/her relieving
3. Accordingly, it has been decided that the Bond Regime in KVS will be regulated in terms of the position as comprehended in Para 2 above. Hence, the representation of the said employee may be disposed off accordingly and further all such other cases for that matter, if any, may be disposed off in the light of above provisions.
This issues with the approval of Commissioner, KVS. Hindi version follows.
Yours sincerely,
(Omvir Singh Sheoran)
(Assistant Commissioner (Fin)