Conduct of Nation-wide Pension Adalat third week of March, 2022
18, Institutional Area,
Saheed ieet Singh Marg
New Delhi-110016.
Phone no. : 26561153, 26858570,
Website: www.kvsangathan,nic.in
Dated- 31.01.2022
The Deputy Commissioner/Director,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regional Offices/ZIETs
Subject: Conduct of Nation-wide Pension Adalat to be held in the third week of March, 2022-reg.
With reference to the Ministry of Education letter No.8-5/2017-E.E.1(Vol.11) dated 20th Jan, 2022 vide which DO letter dated 10th Jan, 2022 of Dept. of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has been forwarded directing all the organisations to conduct a Nation-wide Pension Adalat in the month of March, 2022 for prompt resolution of pensioners’ grievances, within the framework of extant policy/ guidelines.
In view of the above, it has been decided by the Competent Authority of KVS that all the Regional Offices/ZIETs may conduct the Pension Adalat in the third week of March, preferably on or before 23.03.2022. It is advised that in the first instance, a Notice to this effect that pension Adalat will be conducted in the third week of March, 2022, should be published in the website of Regional Offices. It should also be mentioned in the said Notice that the aggrieved pensioners may submit their grievances to the Regional Offices/ZIETs through e-mail. Thereafter, the grievances received may be examined in your office and taken up in the Pension Adalat to be organized through Digital Technology only in the third week of March, 2022. It may be noted that only those grievances are to be taken up in the said Adalat which fall within the purview of extant Pension Policy/Rules/Guidelines etc. The family pension cases should be given Top Priority. In case, the Grievance is to be resolved by KVS(HQ), the same should be forwarded to KVS (HQ) at email ID pensionadalatkvshq@gmail.com latest by 23.02.2022 along with comments of RO.
You are therefore, requested to circulate the content of this letter among all the KVs under your jurisdiction. Further, the copy of this letter should also be published on the official website of all the Regional Offices and KVs for information of pensioners under your jurisdiction. After conducting the said Adalat, the required information may be submitted to this office in the enclosed format by 29th March, 2022 through email (pensionadalatkvshq@gmail.com) only for onward submission of the consolidated information by KVS(HQ) to Dept. of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.
Yours Sincerely
(Satya Naraian Guka)
Joint Commissioner (Fin.)