Corrigendum – OM dt 10th July 2020 regarding CGHS rates for treatment at PHO empanelled under CGHS
Government Of India
Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 20th July,2020
Sub: Corrigendum to OM dt 10th July 2020 regarding CGHS rates for treatment at private healthcare organizations empanelled under CGHS – in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic
With reference to the above mentioned subject kind attention is drawn to Office Memorandum of even No.dated the 10th June 2020 para 2(C), which is reproduced below and to state that there is an inadvertent typographical error and the paragraph 2 (C) is Corrected per the details given under
2. c) For treatment under emergency – the patient shall be treated in Isolation Ward till the COVID-19 test results is not available and rates as per isolation ward rates for one day shall be applicable.
It is modified to read as under:
2. For treatment under emergency – the patient shall be treated in Isolation ward till the COVID-19 test result is available and rates as per isolation ward rates for one day shall be applicable.
The other terms and conditions of the Office Memoradun No.F.No.6-52/CGHS/GR.CELL/2020/DIR/CGHS dated the 10th June,2020 shall remain unchanged.
(Dr.Sanjay Jain)
Director, CGHS