Engagement of CGHS Infrastructure for COVID Care
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Engagement of CGHS Infrastructure for COVID Care
Posted On: 06 AUG 2021 2:26PM by PIB Delhi
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) is a contributory health scheme primarily meant for Central Government Employees and Pensioners and their eligible family members, which provides primary healthcare through its Wellness Centres. Though, no CGHS Wellness Centre/ Hospital has been converted into a dedicated COVID Centre, however, CGHS has taken the following steps to contain the spread of COVID -19:-
(i) Medical Officers and staff were deployed at Airports for screening and for monitoring the international travelers isolated at Quarantine centres.
(ii) CGHS Wellness Centres operated ‘Fever Clinic’ for screening CGHS beneficiaries with complaints of fever and symptoms suggestive of COVID infection.
(iii) CGHS Medical Officers provided consultation and advice over telephone for COVID-19 positive CGHS beneficiaries, who had been advised home care.
(iv) CGHS Wellness Centreswere offered to State Governments to function as COVID-19 Vaccination Centres as per their suitability.
Due to superannuation, death, Voluntary retirement etc. of doctors and other staff, some posts in CGHS remain vacant.In order to ensure that the healthcare facilities to CGHS beneficiaries are not impacted, contractual Staff including services of retired Doctors and other staff are engaged against vacant posts as an interim measure till the posts are filled up on regular basis.
Improvement of CGHS facilities is a continuous dynamic process. Some of the initiatives taken during last few years under CGHS for the benefit of CGHS beneficiaries are as follows.
- Expansion of CGHS coverage from 25 Cities in 2014 to 74 as on date
- Simplification of referral system under CGHS
- Facility for printing CGHS Card by the beneficiary
- Provision for OPD consultation from Specialists of CGHS empanelled hospital after referral from CGHS Wellness Centre / CGHS Specialist
- Direct Consultation from Specialists at empanelled hospitals in respect of elderly CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above
- Post-operative treatment in respect of critically ill beneficiaries is simplified and one-time permission without the need for revalidation from time to time. The consultation /investigations are permitted under these follow-up cases. The conditions covered are:
- Post Cardiac Surgery Cases including Coronary Angioplasty
- Post Organ Transplant Cases (Liver, Kidney, Heart, etc.,)
- Post Neuro Surgery Cases/Post Brain Stroke cases requiring regular follow-up treatment
- End Stage Renal Disease/follow up cases of Liver Failure
Cancer treatment - Auto-immune disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis requiring regular follow-up
- Neurological disorders like Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsonism, etc.,
- Helpline for information and for lodging Complaints.
- Aadhar based Attendance system at CGHS Wellness Centres for punctuality
- Online appointment for consultation with Medical Officers at CGHS, Wellness Centres. Online transfer of CGHS card on account of transfer from one CGHS covered city to another CGHS covered City in respect of serving employees also.
- Paperless settlement of Hospital Bills by CGHS through NHA-IT Platform w.e.f. 01.06.2021
- Online process for payment of CGHS subscription by pensioners on the Bharatkosh platform.
To facilitate consultation with specialists through virtual mode, CGHS has started tele-consultation services for its beneficiaries through e-Sanjeevani portal. - Fortnightly webinars on relevant health topics are conducted.
- Approval of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for creation of posts to man 16 new Wellness Centres, which include new cities like
- Panchkula, Mysuru, Nasik, Aurangabad, Chandrapur, Coimbatore has been obtained.
- The Minister of State (The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare), Dr. Bharti Pravin Pawar stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.
Source: PIB Download PDF